Chapter 24

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Darius laid in bed thinking about the past events. He was angry at himself for grieving over someone for so long and she was leaving him for another. Life was unfair, many of us loose our love ones, we experience heartaches, sometime we don't get what we deserve, we make mistakes, but that is part of being human.

If we never experience sadness how do you know its happiness. Darius thought he would never love again, but that was changing, he was not ready to say it yet but if things continue to go smoothly it would be soon. He was ready to move on from Abbigail, despite the events and pain he went through he was ready to live again.

It was two o'clock in the morning and sleep could not come, Darius knew about Nixon, he was Xavier and Xeon half-brother. He was the only of the three brother who could run their family business, he had no heart or so he thought. Nixon did have heart, only Abbigail seen that side. She was special, Darius could not deny it but Abbigail was not made for Darius.

Danielle was also special, but she was a different special. Her personality showed she was shy sometimes but deep down inside her shell was a person waiting to explode. He noticed she kept her feelings to herself, she was curios and he could not come up with a word to describe her. Her smile held mysteries he wished to someday discover. Kyle entered the room disturbing Darius from his thoughts.

"Darius are you awake?"

"No......of course I am you idiot!"

"I figured you were not"

"What made you think that?"

"I might had spied on you and Danielle" Kyle said avoiding eye contact.


"Because your both interesting to watch!"

"Why are you disturbing me at this hour?"

"Because we need to talk"

"About what?"

"Tammie and Danielle"

"You start first"

"Why me?"

"Because this is my house!"

"I see your point, alright where do I began.... I really like Tammie but she has been avoiding me since the encounter with Nicole. It is so frustrating! I just want to talk and make things right but she keeps shutting me out! I don't know what to do anymore?"

"Maybe you just need to let her free."


"If it was meant to be, you both will cross paths again. If not, we know how that ends."

"That is not very good advice! Darius I really need your help!"

"Alright, I will talk to her and see what I can do"

"Thank you, I will do the same with Danielle!"

"No. I don't need you to mess it up right now"

"What do we do with Izzy and Willow?"

"Well I think Oscar is into Willow!"

"And Izzy?"

"Her and Xavier were a thing but I'm not sure anymore"

"Nixon will return, Kyle"

"I know and what do we do about it?"

"I think it's time we faced him and Chris!"

"Why Chris?"

"Chris was Abbigail's brother"

"Why am I just finding this out?"

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