Chapter 7

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Izzy decided to take a walk to the hotel's pool, she could no longer handle Tammie and Willow bickering about tomorrow's activity. Izzy entered the elevator which already had two young ladies whispering about a playboy billionaire and the owner of Adams Corporation staying in the hotel. Finally, the elevator made it to the first floor, Izzy was relieved to go to the pool and get away from those two girls, "Who is this Mr. Adams?" she thought. Izzy laid down in a tanning chair and observe the French night sky.

"Listen, I'm only asking a simple favor" Izzy looked around for the familiar voice, it was too familiar.

"Just one night, I promise it will be worth it" Finally Izzy found the source of the voice, but she was shocked to see who it was, Kyle. "What in the world?" Izzy was curious about the person on the phone with Kyle, she decided to sneak a little closer to the lounge where he sat. Izzy crawled all the way behind the lounge without making too much noise.

"Fine, I will expect you in Greece" Kyle hanged up the phone, he was agitated with his cousin. "Waiter!" Kyle yelled he needed a drink to calm down.

"Hello Mr. Adams, how can I help you?"

"A bottle of water" The waiter returned to the bar and retrieved Kyle's order. Izzy was shocked that Kyle was Mr. Adams, she wanted to know more about him but then a very beautiful and young flirtatious blonde appeared and sat next to Kyle.

"What do you want N...."

"Oh baby, I missed you. Why didn't you inform me about your trip in Paris? I had to ask Darius for your location." Izzy was curious about this woman, what was she to Kyle? If she's Kyle girlfriend, why is he flirting with Tammie "I will hurt you Mr. Adams" Izzy wanted to hurt Kyle but if she wanted to know more about him she must remain silent.

"Nicole, how many times did I tell you to leave me alone, what we had is finished!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Baby don't say that" Nicole replied and tried to touch Kyle, but he jerked away.

"Don't touch me! Get out before I called security and I mean it Nicole." Kyle was not in the mood to deal with Nicole and why would his cousin Darius reveal his location to her.

"Kyle, I love you. Why can't you see that!" Nicole stood up with tears in her eyes. "Do you have another girl, is that why you don't want to marry me?" Nicole questioned.

"That is none of your concerns. I won't say it  again, LEAVE!" Kyle had enough with Nicole, he needed her to leave and fast. Nicole realized Kyle was being serious, so she decided to leave but she will have him one day and will do anything to achieve that, plus he had a contract to fulfill. Kyle stood up and decided to retire for the night.

"Holy crap, that was some serious case of drama." Izzy exclaimed, she stood up and decided to head back to her room. Tammie, Willow and Danielle were already asleep when Izzy returned. Izzy took out her tablet and began searching for Adams Corporation.

"This is going to be long night."


"WAKE UP!" Izzy was startled by Willow's yelling.

"Why did you have to yell?" Izzy asked.

"I been calling your name for the past 10 minutes. Danielle, Tammie and Kyle are already down stairs eating breakfast. I suggest you hurry up and get ready, there will be car waiting for us." Willow replied.

"Where are we going?"

"To the waterpark" Willow answered while finishing packing her bag. Izzy had a long night of investigating about Kyle, her head was pounding, blurry eyesight, slight dizziness; Izzy describe this feeling like a hangover; she was not in the mood to play around in a pool worst with Kyle although the information she found was interesting and surprising.

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