Chapter 32

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Willow walked into her apartment, taking off her jacket she noticed Izzy sitting in the living room.

"Izzy you're home early!"

"My shift finished early and Tammie also finished early but she had to stop at the church first."

"At the church? Why? Is she alright?!"

"I think so.... she did not say much but I guess she needs some alone time with the Lord."

"Wow, I guess everyone is messed up in the brain right now!" Willow commented with a big sigh.

"Who wouldn't! A lot of stuff happened."

"Yeah.... And that's why we need to discuss it later when everyone Tammie and Danielle arrives."

"Is Danielle alright?"

"We will find out soon" Willow replied.

Tammie walked into the apartment and notice Willow and Izzy in the living room, she knew it was time to talk to the girls but she was also a little hesitant, why? Tammie had no clue, she was afraid of reliving that night.

"Hi" Tammie greeted.

"Hey" Willow and Izzy replied in unison.

"Is Danielle coming?" Tammie asked.

"WHAT'S THE EMERGEN....... Why do I have a feeling you lied to me?" Danielle said as she walked into the apartment.

"I'm sorry but I had too" Willow replied.

"Lying is a sin!" Tammie exclaimed pointing a finger at Willow.

"Well do you have a better idea?" Izzy asked Tammie.

"Uhm.... not really," Tammie said scratching her head and sitting back down on the couch.

"Alright ladies it's time to sit down, we have important business to discuss!" Izzy exclaimed. Danielle sat down next to Izzy while Willow and Tammie sat next to each other on a different couch.

"Soo......where do we begin?" Tammie asked.

"I'll start, Don't you guys think it's weird that they did not have a funeral for Xeon?" Willow asked.

"I did think it was weird but maybe they had something small and just the family" Danielle replied.

"Xavier told me that Xeon always said if he died before him to not have a funeral since he does not want people to cry for him but remember the good memories," Tammie stated.

"Maybe you are right and Oscar is wrong," Willow said with a deep sigh.

"What did Oscar tell you Willow?" Izzy asked.

"He believes Xeon is still alive."

"I understand why he would think that. I mean look he was still living when they took him to the hospital which Xavier told me he died on the way there but what had me curious was who shot him?" Tammie commented.

"Exactly! What else did Oscar tell you Willow?" Izzy asked.


"Well?" Tammie, Danielle, and Izzy asked in unison.

"Okay, I will tell you. Oscar asked me to be his girlfriend."

"WHAT!" Tammie yelled while Danielle and Izzy remained silent with their mouth opened.

"Kyle asked me the same" Tammie confessed.

"Darius and I are going our separate ways" Danielle commented leaving the others in a state of shock.

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