Chapter 13

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"Why does this always happen to US!" Willow screamed sacring many birds away from the trees.

"I don't know, we're messed up in the head so we do stupid things." Izzy replied casually ignoring Willow outburst.

"If we retrace our steps we can get out of here!" Danielle stated.

"We've been doing that for the past hours" Tammie retorted.

"I wonder if Xeon and Xavier are looking for us?" Tammie asked.

"Maybe...maybe not" Danielle replied.

"Of course, Xavier and Xeon are looking for us, they're not going to leave Danielle's and Izzy's gorgeous butts out here maybe Tammie's and mines but not them." Willow said gesturing to both Danielle and Izzy.

"Sadly, that is true" Tammie commented.

"Kyle would flip if he found out you were out here" Willow said pointing to Tammie who rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Of course! That's his girl!" Danielle said.

"I AM NOT!" Tammie yelled scaring off another group of birds from a tree.

"Why do you keep denying your feelings for him? You and Kyle are complicated" Izzy commented.

"We are not good for each other. He is a successful business man and... and I'm just me" Tammie said with moist eyes.

"Tammie, you are a physical therapist! You're a co-owner of a clinic and rehabilitation center, You Izzy and Willow worked hard to get the money for your business! I say you are very successful" Danielle exclaimed.

Tammie and Izzy are both Physical therapist, Tammie studied in Panama while Izzy studied in Canada. At one point of their lives the girls were separated, Danielle and Willow studied in Honduras but in two different cities, Danielle achieved a degree in architecture and interior design while Willow got a degree in Psychology. Everyone was in different cities but kept in touch until 4 years ago, after graduation they all moved to Miami and were finally reunited starting a new chapter of their life together. Izzy, Tammie are physical therapist and willow a psychologist at their very own clinic and rehabilitation center, Danielle started a firm for architects and designers, she was also trying to apply some of her paintings into an art gallery but has been very unsuccessful.

"Look at it this way, Kyle did not start his business from scratch but he inherited while you on the other hand you worked hard for many years saving up money with Izzy and Willow to start TIW Medical Center." Danielle continued to rant about Tammie, Izzy and Willow hard work and dedication towards their medical center.

"Thank you, Danielle, for your wonderful speech but he still a billionaire every girl dream of and then theirs me, Tammie Fletcher." Tammie said with a pout.

"Tammie you are beautiful in the inside and on the outside, if he can't see that he is blind and stupid!" Willow said.

"You got the stupid part right!" Izzy stated.

"Izzy" Danielle and Willow said in warning.

"I'm only stating facts!" Izzy retorted.

"Very hard demeaning facts" Danielle replied.

"There you go with your fancy words!" Willow commented.

"I think we need to find our way back to the car, a mountain lion or an anaconda might eat us out here the forest." Willow said looking around for an exit.

"For the last time, Anacondas lives in the Amazon in South America!" Danielle replied.

"You can never be so sure." Willow said.

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