Prologue; Back At Home.

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[ s a b r i n a ]

"Welcome back home you cheese nugget," Jace embraced me into a tight hug as I walked through the door of my old home. I wrapped my arms around him back and it felt good that I was now in good terms with him.

"Cheese nugget? Didnt you use to call me that when we were little?" I asked him laughing. I remembered how close we were when we were little before we hit the age of 15 and started to seperate.

"Aw you remembered." He awed and I just playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, of course I would since you pretty much kept calling me that until we reached the age of 14." I told him once again laughing at him.

"I'll go get your stuff upstairs. We are having a huge family dinner to celebrate your arrival." He told me and I just nodded. I followed him up the stairs and entered my old room. I jumped onto my bed and sighed at how comfy it was to me.

"You can rest a bit and come down in an hour or so for dinner." He told me before walking right out the door.

I pulled out my phone and texted Maria that I arrived home and then I shut off my phone. I started to unpack my things. I was planning on never really returning to Brazil unles it was to see Maria. Even thought I'm extremely mad at her she is my best friends and sadly I love her.

I took a quick look at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was determind to change things about me. I wasnt going to be that emotional girl who crys about every single thing. I am going to change for the better. I need to stop being that weak fragile girl.

I am determind to change and it is now a goal for me.

Neymar? I'm going to force myself to move on from him for the better. He moved on quickly and it just shows a lot about how he must have felt about our relationship. Now, I have to move on and show him that I'm better off without him.

All I need to do is break free.

I kept repeating those words in my head and will keep saying them until it comes true. I took off the clothes I was wearing and looked through my closet to decide on what to wear. I ended up deciding on a simple pink dress (outfit on the side)

I smiled satisfied and checked the time. It was about time for dinner so I headed out the door. I regretted it because the person I saw instantly was Audie.

"Welcome back Sabrina," Audie smirked at me and I just scowled at him.

"It was so nice to be back until right now when I saw you." I smiled innocently at him and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Well, I kind of live here now princess so we will be seeing each other more often. Now doesnt that sound amazing?" He walked closer to me and I backed up against the wall.

"Mhm let me think about it," I tapped my chin and then looked at him, "No it does not sound fun at all." I told him giving him another one of my famous innocent smiles.

"You're probably happy to have me living here," I was now pressed against the wall and his tall body hovering over me, "Dont get me wrong I know I'm irresistable but you'll learn to live with it." He smirked confidendtly.

"Not really and I find candy irresistable not you." I told him.

"You know you missed us." He told me as he pressed our bodies closer together.

"I missed Jace but not you." I said to him.

"Tell me you didnt miss the way I kissed you, hugged you, and espiceally the way I drove you over the edge when I will touch you." HE said.

"Now that I think about it I did miss it." I told him and he smiled like he achieved something.

"We can do that again love." He said and I nodded my head.

"First, get off of me." I pushed him off and he motioned to his bedroom.

"I dont think so Audie," I told him, "I was just joking to piss you off and get you off me and surprisingly you fell for it." I told him truthfully. I was joking about everything I just said.

"You'll be begging for me sooner or later." HE said.

"Dont think so." I told him and I skipped down the stairs and headed to the dining area. I remembered the old spot I would usually sit at and made my way to it.

Everyone gathered down and took their seats which still were the same from last year. The only one that wasnt here was my mother but I held in the tears. I wasnt going to show them I'm a weak little girl.

"Well, first I will love to say that it brings me joy to have my little girl back home where she belongs. I finally have my two kids together and I realized how much they mean to me and my beloved wife. I know we all miss her and theyre isnt too much to do about it since she is now in a better place. I know she will have been thrilled to see you back Sabrina." My father cried a bit from the happiness.

"Its so nice to be back with all of you guys too. I missed you guys so much and I regret leaving you guys a bit. I'm here to stay now and I'l glad you guys are happy to have me back." I said and they all clapped.

"Now everyone can start eating." My father said and people started to dig their face in there food.

Dinner, went by amazingly. We all shared a few laughs and it was funny to hear about the things that happened while I was gone. My father started to tell stories about Jace and I when we were little kids and it was really embaressing too. Espiceally since Audie was here and he will probably bother me about it somehow.

He kept giving me glances and would wink at me which I just gave him dirty look for. I would just continue to stuff my face with food and just ignore him most of the damn time. It was around 8 at night and I was finally getting a bit jetlagged. I barely slept on the plane too.

I helped clean up the table a bit before my dad sent me upstairs to rest. I thanked him and I walked upstairs and threw myself on my bed once I got there.

I turned my phone on and I had one new message from Maria.

Maria; thats good to hear. im still sorry about everything sabrina. please come back.

Well, I'm sorry Maria but I probably wont be going back for a long time.

I will not return somewhere that cause me pain or made me realize many things about myself.

"Hey, Sabrina are you awake?" There was a knock on the door and it was my brother.

"Yeah, come in." I said and he walked in. I sat up on my bed and made room for him to sit.

"I just wanted to give you something that mom wanted to give you for your birthday but never did." He told me and he pulled out a necklace from his pocket.

He placed it into my hand and it was half a heart. There was a name carved into it and it said 'Jace'.

"I have the other half that says Joanna. Mom told me that she carried it all her life waiting for the right moment to give it to us. She said she wanted you to have the Jace part and me to have the Joanna part. Incase we forget that were twins and you know all of that crap." Jace laughed at the end.

"Don't worry i understand and i love it." I said and he nodded.

"Well goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." He said and walked out. I got up from my bed and quickly put on a pair of shorts and one of the oversized shirts i had. I then put my messy hair into a bun and decided to put on the necklace.

I went to the mirror and i realized one thing.

I never took off the necklace neymar gave me for my birthday. I looked at it for a couple minutes before taking it off and shoving it in my drawer. I needed to forget about him and move on as soon as possible.

I put on the necklace jace gave me and then smiled.

I am going to break free.

authors note; well thats the prologue and i cant wait until i start this book. im going to try to finish taking chances quickly by making long chapters for it. im not really planning for it to be really long. it be at least 25 chapters. well here you go and comment opinions.

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