chapter sixteen

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Sabrina p.o.v

I stormed out of Maria's house a bit angrily after what they kept telling me. I decided just to head back to the hotel to get ready for the night i was going to spend with my boyfriend.

My head was full of so many thoughts that were causing me to have a headache. What this country does to me is confusing. I found myself walking into the town nearby. I got some weird looks from a couple people passing by but i ignored all of them.

I was just some weird emotional unstable girl that cant get her life together. All i want is to be happy with my life and I was hoping Audie wouldn't mess up his chance. I decided to give him another shot and I know deep down inside that he's going to somehow mess it all up.

And when the damage is done i won't have anyone to help me pick up the broken pieces. I sat down on some random bench in a park. I looked around as couples passed by happy together. I suddendly remembered the park i was in.

It was a park i came in once with neymar when we first started dating. It was also the day he spoiled David's and Maria's appointment with the doctor i wasn't supposed to know about. I started to laught a bit and even smile a bit.

I looked over to the small pond and just watched the sight for a while. I was then interrupted by a voice.

"Its a nice sight isnt it?" I looked up to see Marcelo.I just lightly smiled and nodded. I patted the spot next to me and he sat down.

"What you doing around here?" Marcelo questioned me and i shrughed.

"I just got back from Maria's and she said something that got me a bit mad that I stormed out of her place." I told him.

"Well i just came back from a date with this girl but it didnt work out so i decided to take a walk around." Marcelo shrughed.

"Who was the girl?" I asked him.

"You don't know her." He simply answered and i just nodded.

"What did Maria say?" He added and I sighed.

"She thinks and believes what neymar may have told her about my boyfriend cheating on me possibly."

"You don't believe her?" Marcelo asked and i bit down on my lip while shrugging.

"Maybe." I quietly said but a part of me just didnt want to accept it probably.

"Want to know something Sabrina?" Marcelo said and I looked at him.

"I think a part of you knows that its true what Maria told you but you just don't want to believe it at all. I think that you're scared that something's going to happen." Marcelo explained and i looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as i bit down on my lip harder that I was pretty sure i could feel a bit of blood.

"I mean that you know there's a chance your boyfriend did cheat on you but you're afraid to believe it because you don't want to get hurt all over again and accepting that Audie isnt the one for you. That someone else is and you're scared that if you end things with Audie that you may fall for someone else all over again." He explained a bit better and I could feel a bit of the tears form in my eyes.

"I doubt he'll cheat on me again. I don't see the reason why when i been a decent girlfriend to him so far. Why would he travel all the way here and plan a special night for the both of us? I can't possibly fall for another guy." I said trying to deny everything he was saying.

"Isnt it possible that you already fallen for this guy already? I also think you're starting to realize you never moved on from this 'guy' which if it isn't obvious the guy is neymar." Marcelo said and i mentally cursed at him.

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