chapter seven; go away ok

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[ sabrina / joanna ]

"Don't you see what you are doing to yourself by staying with him? Why would you even go back to him?" I turned around quickly and I was surprised to see it was Neymar who spoke to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him a bit confused and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"About you with Audie." He answered me and I stood there a bit mad. Why is he even getting into my relationship when it wasnt any of his freaking buisness?

"Who are you to question about my relationship? It's not your problem and you shouldnt be worrying about it. Go back to your girlfriend." I said a bit harshly. I was speaking to him after a long time.

"It doesnt mean I dont care about you. I may have moved on but that doesnt mean that I shouldnt care about you. We can still be friends." Neymar was practically begging for me to agree to being friends but I can't.

"Well, we cant be friends." I spat and I started to walk away.

"Why not? We both clearly moved on from each other. You have an asshole of a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend." He said and I spun on my heel to face him.

"Don't call him an asshole because that's you," I said angrily, "Your girlfriend isnt any better than Audie. I cant be friends with you and its not going to happen no matter what." I said.

"The past is the past Sabrina and can't we forget it? Just be friends." He was basiclaly begging me but I wasnt going to give in to him.

"No we cant and now just leave me alone." I said and I walked away quickly. I was going to go back to the hotel and relax a bit. I was now not in the mood for anything after that. He actually spoke to me after a long time though.

I found Maria and went up to her.

"Uhm are you free tomorrow?" I asked her and she thought for a second.

"Crap, if i knew you were going to be here I wouldnt have promised Bruna to go shopping." She groaned and a frown fell on my face.

"It's okay I guess." Great, Bruna was taking my best friend away too.

"I'm sorry. You guys can join us if you want!" She said and that was a horrible idea.

"I dont think thats the best idea." I told her and she nodded.

"I feel bad if I cant hang tomorrow with you but also feel bad not going shopping with her after I promised." She sat down and I sat beside her.

"You're allowed to be friends with other people Maria. I'll go with you but I'm not promising that i will be nice. I'll try to keep it cool but I doubt Millett will actually like the idea with being with the whor- I mean girl." I corrected myself quickly and she gave me a weird look.

"Okay then. I'll pick you up at the hotel tomorrow then. David told me where you guys are staying." she said and I just nodded. This wasn't the best idea but I haven't seen Maria in a long time and I felt bad if i didnt hang with her. Even though bruna was going to be there too.

                next day

"Do we really have to go?" Millett whined and I just nodded at her. She didnt want to go and I actually understood her. I didnt really want to go either and I rather stay at the hotel.

"Sadly, yes. I told Maria though that I wasnt promising about us being nice and good to the chick but since you are brutally honest take it down for today." I told her serious and she just groaned.

"Come on Joanna. We should go do something today instead of hanging with your best friend and the devil herself!" She had a point but I already told Maria I was going to go.

"I already told Maria that I was going to go." I sighed and she dropped the topic and we then headed out to the lobby since Maria was going to be here soon. I wasnt looking forward to this but Im going to try to be calm the whole time.

"There she is." Millet pointed out the door and Maria was standing there leaning against a car. I took a deep breath and we headed out the hotel.

"Hey." I said as I walked up to her.

"You guys ready?" She asked and we nodded and headed into the car. Bruna was sitting in the front and she looked back and smiled at us. I forcd a smile on my face but Millett gave her a dirty look.

"Let's head to the mall." Maria broke the silence and then started to drive off to the mall.

The whole ride was silent and really awkward since no one spoke up. Maria turned on the radio but there was still an awkward silence. I was texting Millett the whole ride instead of just speaking up.

"We are here." Maria finally spoke up and we all got out the car. I was not really looking forward to doing anything right now.

"You should really give her a chance. She is really nice." Maria told me but only loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah I dont think so." I told her.

"She isnt that bad." Maria continued.

"I cant Maria and I wont. Dont you get it? I cant be friends with the girl who is dating the guy I was in love with." I said.

"You moved on though."

"I may have moved on but that doesnt change anything. I only came because I wanted to hang out with you. If not I would have stayed at the hotel." I tried not to speak a bit angrily than I was actually on the inside.

We decided to drop the topic and then continue on shopping. We walked into this store and I went to the back to look at the shorts.

"Uhm Sabrina?" I turned around to face the she devik aka Bruna.

"Yes?" I said a bit annoyed.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" she asked and I thought for a second before nodding.

authors note; i actually like bruna but for this book you know i ave to have sabrian hate her for the plot. school starts wednesday for me guys so there are gonna be less frequent updates so im really sorry. comment your opinions and stuff. and one question; who do you guys think should play sabrina? i picture barbara palvin but my friend pictures nina dobrev. comment below who you think.

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