Chapter 3

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Jungkooks POV
Taehyung was talking to me but I didn't hear any of it. I was to focused on the angel next to him. Suddenly she turned around and I averted by gaze and started to talk to Taehyung. I hope she didn't see me.... who am I kidding she probably did. But she's just perfect. Her cute smile, her beautiful eyes. And now I'm acting like a hormonal 21 year old guy you find at bars. But she wouldn't want a mess of a guy like me.
After class ends all four of us walk out together. Surprisingly we all have the same classes. I already know that me and by brothers had the same classes but Jungkook too?
Taehyung: Oh yeah I forgot to tell you Kook
Jungkook: Tell me what?
Taehyung: Me and Jimin paid the head of the school to give you the same classes as us!
Jungkook: Oh man holy shit! Really?!
Taehyung: Yeah now you have the same classes as me. Chim, and Y/N!
Jungkook then looks at me and and smiles. I turn away and blush. I'm not gonna lie I'm really attracted to him. But he's my brothers best friend, I can't possibly be with him. Right?
The bell ringing snaps me out of my thoughts.
Jimin: We should probably head to class.
Jungkook: You guys go ahead I got about 20 minutes before my dad sends the driver to come pick me up
Y/N: GUYS! I totally forgot mom and dad were also gonna send the driver to pick us up early!
Jimin: Shit your right
Taehyung: Lets just go outside and wait, they won't say anything about us skipping anyway. Mom and Dad let the head of the school know.
We all nodded and went outside to wait. A car pulled up and Jungkook waved bye and got in. A few minutes laters our car pulled up and we got in and went home. When we got there we saw a car that resembled the one that Jungkook left in. And another car next to it.
Taehyung: What do you think this meetings for?
Jimin: I don't know, probably a deal with another Mafia or something
Y/N: Isn't that Jungkooks car?
Taehyung: Wait a minutes hold up!
He checked the license plate of the car, and the car next to it.
Taehyung: Y/N's right that is Jungkooks car and that's his parents car
Jimin: Damn it I hate his parents
Y/N: Why?
Jimin: They're always so rude and cold towards Jungkook. They're money crazy! All they care about is money and power! One time during a mission Jungkook got shot and his dad punched him in the stomach and yelled at him for being weak and not being careful. I was with him during that and I carried him to the car and took him to our family hospital.
Y/N: That's so fucked up and — wait! Jungkooks in a Mafia to!
Jimin: Yeah his dad is the head of it. Well not anymore Jungkook took over since his dad got sick.
Y/N: Wow.. anything else I should know?
Taehyung: Other then his parents not being worth shit then no.
I thought to myself "how can he still keep smiling and acting happy when his parents treat him so badly"
We went in the house to find my parents with another couple which I assume are Jungkook's parents. I turn to the other couch and see Jungkook sitting there emotionless. He hears us and turns to look at us he smiles and me and I smile back. I go sit next to him and he smiles wider. I blush and look down. Tae and Jimin sit next to me. They put their serious expression on. The one I only see when they're mad or on a mission.
Jimin: So.. Mr and Mrs. Jeon what brings you here?
He spat out with hatred for the two people in the room.
Mr Jeon: Well we came by to sort out a deal between our two families.
Dad: Thats right! It will be very beneficial to both of our Mafia's!
Taehyung: Whats the deal then? Hurry up so we can all leave
Mr Jeon: Good Lord! What is it with you two boys being so pushy and cold all of a sudden?
Jungkook: Maybe it has to do with the fact that your here... father
Jungkook: How about you stand up for me YOUR SON, when my so called excuse of a father is always telling me off!
Jungkook and his parents argued back and forth. I can't believe parents would treat their kids like this! I felt so bad for Jungkook.
I turned to my dad and looked at him in surprise he's never talked to me like that before.
Taehyung: What the fuck did you just say?
Dad: Kim Taehyung sit your ass down and never speak to me like that again!
Jimin: He wouldn't have done it if you didn't speak to Y/N that way!
Dad: All three of you ungrateful brats shut the hell up and listen!
Jimin and Taehyung are fuming, they're mad as hell. I'm still in shock that he spoke to us like that. Jungkook pulls me down and wipes the tears off my face and smiles sadly.
Mr Jeon: As I was saying me and my new fellow business partner have made a deal!
Dad: Y/N, you and Jungkook will be getting married!
Me, Jungkook, Tae, and Jimin jump off the couch and scream at the same time

Authors Note:
Hey guys don't forget to vote and comment! Make sure to recommend my book if you like it! Thank you all so much!
I purple you! 💜

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