Chapter 22

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It's currently 6:30am. I should be sleeping but here I am in an airport waiting for the flight to take us to wherever Jungkook had planned. I turn to look at Jungkook who's close to falling asleep. Would I be a bad person if I scare him?


I get up from my seat and go behind his. I carefully sneak up on him and scream.


Jungkook bolts awake and looks at me in shock. I laugh at his shook (Jungshook) face. He eyes me while I walk around the seats to get back to my seat. When I sit down he smiles and puts his face in my neck kissing it lightly.

Jungkook: You scared me babe.
Y/N: I'm sorry I had to.

We laugh then they call us saying his jet is ready to board. We enter and spend the time messing around and talking with each other until we get to what he told me Hawaii for our honeymoon.

Authors Note
Sorry for the short chapter

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