Chapter 3: Fallen Green Angel

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Over the next year and 8 months Mei would become more and more popular making headlines on the news whenever they found the victims of one of her games, her first couple of victims were mostly Drug addicts and common thugs who used there quirks to commit small crimes and bully others, but eventually she moved on to bigger targets such as Yakuza members and lesser known villains which helped her gain even more popularity to the point where she was labeled a villainous vigilante by the police and given the name Jigsaw by the news for her trademark of cutting off pieces of flesh in the shape of jigsaw puzzle pieces. Her most recent victim however gained her serious attention for it wasn't a villain but a hero.

(Flashback to most recent game)

A man suddenly awoke from his slumber feeling nothing but pain until he realized he was laying on razor wire, he screamed as he looked around the room to see nothing but the sharp wire surrounding him and a passage way to another room also covered in wire, "Hello Mr. Bureibu or do you prefer going by your hero name, Mr. Brave." The hero looked around to see where the voice was coming from only to find a speaker in the corner of the room, "You are a perfectly healthy, sane, pro hero with a large fanbase and a girlfriend who loves you, yet last month you ran a straight razor across your wrist. Did you cut yourself because you truly wanted to die or did you just want some attention? Tonight, you'll show me. The irony is that if you want to die you just have to stay where you are, but if you want to live, you'll have to cut yourself again and again. Find the path through the razor wire to the door but hurry. At three o'clock that door will lock and then, this room becomes your tomb. And just make sure you are not cheating, i have taken the liberty of removing all of your hair from your body so you can't use your quirk, how much blood will you shed to stay alive Bureibu and let the game begin." As soon as the recording stoped the hero dove right into the razor wire crawling through it trying to get to the other rooms, the wire cut him deep with blood pouring everywhere from his body, "YOU SICK FUCK JIGSAW WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE I'LL FIND YOU AND MURDER YOUR ASS YOU HEAR ME YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU." He screamed as he went through the wire trying to ignore the pain but that was proving to be impossible, after what seemed like an eternity in an endless hell of razors he had finally reached the end crawling up the stairs and through the doors right as the clock hit 3, he laid there in a pool of blood staring at the ceiling with blurry vision, he eventually tried to get up but his legs looked like they had been through a cheese grader so he crawled across the floor to the next door but it suddenly opened and there Jigsaw stood in his pigmask, "Congradulations Bureibu, you survived, don't you feel greatful to be alive." The hero tried to get up so he could strike her but his wounds were to bad and he was bleeding heavily causing him to pass out, Mei walked over and grabbed his arms dragging him out to the a dark ally where a homeless bum was sleeping, she carefully placed him next to the bum doing her best not to wake him before running off into the darkness. Eventually the bum awoke to find the injuried hero and took him to a hospital where emergency surgery had to be preformed to keep him alive.

(End of flashback)

Mei walked down the street happy as she could be, not only did someone finally survive one of her games but just this morning Mr. Brave was aloud to speak to the press about the incident and when asked about why he was chosen to take part in the game he told the whole truth of how he was cutting himself because of his depression from not being in the top ten heroes despite his best efforts to become so, he even thanked her for teaching him to value everything in his life before the police and other pro heroes cut off the press and pushed them out of the room. Mei wanted to jump around in excitement, the pro hero thanked her meaning her game worked and she had helped him become a better person a respect his life and quirk, she felt like she could do anything in the world until...


She stopped and turned around to see him, a green haired boy with green eyes in a middle school uniform laying there with a broken arm and a broken leg was caughing up blood and crying, "Please *Coughs blood* help me *Coughs up more blood*." The poor boy asked in lots of pain from his broken bones and internal injuries, Mei wanted to help but the scene before her reminded her of something, her own attempt of suicide flashed in her head, "Please *Coughs blood* Help me, I don't *Coughs* I don't, want to die." She snapped out of thought by that sentence, "No." The boy was shocked by her answer and didn't understand at first but she soon explained her reasoning as she pulled out her phone, "I could call for an ambulance to get you but what would that do? In a few months after they let you out of the hospital you could just try to commit suicide again, if you truely mean what you say about wanting live then your going to get up." The boy's eyes widened at the statement, she could obviously see his broken leg and arm so why would she ask that he wondered, "I'll give you one minute before i turn around and keep walking on my way leaving you here to die, please, prove to me you want to live." She held out her phone to him but he simply just layed there staring at her until the minute was up, she put her phone back into her pocket and began walking away from the injuried boy who deep down was probably much like her, sad, alone, bullied, he probably felt like he had no more will to live and as soon as he jumped he found it but it was too late. She then felt a muscular hand touch her shoulder, she saw that it was bloodied and bruised and belonged to the green haired boy who had limped an entire block just to get to her, "Please, I want to live." He reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone but he couldn't take it anymore and passed out from his injuries, She quickly checked his pulse and thankfully he was still breathing as she grabbed him by his legs and dragged him into an allyway, she then ran to the orphange and stole the headmaster's car (She had done that before) and drove back to the ally and put him in the backseat, this was going to be a long day for her.

(For the past 2 days i've been stuck on this because i couldn't think of a saw trap so used the trap from the first saw which i think Paul was put through, i've decided that i'm gonna do a mix of orginal and used traps in the story.)

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