27. His Confusion

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In the two days followed by their little romantic endeavor, the things went quiet smoothly. Abhay kept on doing these sweet gestures like giving her flowers and chocolates, and dropping her home.

They talked to each other and tried to get to know each other better. The day of date came and Vaish was confused about what to wear.

She had two dresses in her mind but didn't know which one to select. She thought of asking from her mom but then decided against it because if mommy dearest got even a little bit idea then it was going to be blast.

Next choice was her best friend, Sanaa and so she decided to video call her. Since it was weekend she was sure that Sanaa would be home and as expected she picked her phone with the usual smile on her face.

"Hey Vaish! How are you?" Sanaa asked and Vaish sighed.

"Hey Shenu. Nothing is going right. I'm not good. The situation is really serious." Vaish replied.

"Why? What happened?" Sanaa asked worriedly.

"I can't decide my dress." Vaish replied and Sanaa face palmed herself.

"Seriously Vaish? And here I thought that there was some serious emergency."

"You don't think it is serious! Really? I'm going on a date with the person I like and last I heard from my best friend, such dates prove a turning point in a couple's relationship! You got proposed on your date and you guys even kissed. I have to be prepared." Vaish said in a hurried tone and Sanaa just shook her head, regretting telling her best friend about her date with Rehan, she always brings it up.

"Just for confirmation, this date is with Abhay right?" Sanaa asked with in a teasing manner and Vaish blushed and Sanaa blinked her eyes twice to check.

"My my! The world is coming to an end or what? Vaishali Khanna is blushing? What did Abhay do to my friend and where is she?"

"Shut up okay! I'm not blushing; it's just that the weather here is too hot." Vaish replied and Sanaa laughed.

"Yeah it's too hot when there is air conditioner just behind you; showing temperature of 16 or 18 degrees." Sanaa said and Vaish felt busted.

"Seriously Vaish, no comeback? What happened to you?" Sanaa was not going to let this golden opportunity to go.

"Tease all you want. When little Shenu comes then I will tease you. Already Rehan gave me permission to teach your daughter to stay away from boys till thirty...." She was cut in between by Sanaa.

"He did what? How can he do that without asking me?" Sanaa screamed. "No bed for you today, Mr. Arrogant!" She mumbled under her breath and looked at Vaish with her eyes narrowed.

"I'm not even going to ask why and how it happened but you are not going to do that otherwise I'll send all your ugly pictures to Abhay. Samay recently sent me good ones." Sanaa threatened her.

"You guys are weird. Husband wants me to stop their daughter and wife is threatening me if I stop her and the funny part is she is not even here yet. I will pray to God that he gives you guys same opinion in this matter, so that poor, innocent soul like me isn't dragged in such situations." Vaish said in a weird voice and closed her eyes to pray so she missed Sanaa's thoughtful look.

"Anyways we will sort it out later. Now I need to start getting ready or I will be late. So please tell me which one?" She asked showing two dresses and Sanaa saw them both and gave her opinion and finally they decided her dress, shoes and accessories.

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