Chapter 1: America!!!

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"You need to take a break, Ame." Canada started, looking at the sleep-deprived country in between the piles of folders, binders, and papers.

America procrastinated on his 200 pages report for United Nations, which now he regretted not doing it earlier. America started five days ago and it has been two days since his last sleep, fueled only with Red Bulls and fast food delivery. And he really deserves a bath since he probably stunk like a skunk.

"I still need to finish this. Argh!! I really hate paperwork!" America whined while slamming his face in the table.

"Well, can't help it, dude. Deadline's on tomorrow, right? I don't want to meddle with your business so I'm sorry that I can't help ya with that." Canada replied. "But I would tell Mexico to send you free Tacos" he added.

America sighed, lifting up his head turning to Canada offering the other country an exhausted smile "Thanks, bro."

America continued his working his desk typing like lighting with his face glued in the monitor screen. He had a lot going on with the laws, conflicts, demands, and running the economy while keeping his sanity sane. After a few hours torturing his back slouching, he was interrupted with a soft knock on the door.

"America?" Mexico's timid voice was heard behind the door.

"Come in" America croaked out, probably because of a dry throat. As the door opens, he was greeted with the mouthwatering smell of cooked meat, onions, and grilled vegetables along with Mexico's warm smile.

"Hola Senior, I was told by Canada to bring you food," Mexico said as he approaches America's desk and setting the delivery in the only left space in the table.

"Thank you, Mexico. Ah, you're a lifesaver!" America exclaimed, rushing to eat the gift-given, large size Tacos.

He already ate half of the Taco when he noticed Mexico's concerned stare.

"Is... there something wrong?" America blurted while wiping his face clean, hoping that he is not a mess.

The other country flinched at America's question and quickly shrieked for an apology "I'm so sorry that was rude of me to stare! I-I was... que... I was... When did you last slept America? "

Oh, so he really looked like a mess.

"I'm just concerned, you look like a drunken uncle and you are totally burned out, amigo"

America stretched his arms up which cracked up his sore spine then relaxed "Sorry, I am not in my best shape and I need to finish this report for tomorrow. I may have been awake for 45 hours, but I'll be fine." He replied holding back a yawn.

"Dios mio, You've been awake for two days!!! You need to take a leave after this." Mexico bellowed.

"I will, but not now," America replied, finishing his Taco with a muffled burp.

"I will not distract you any further so I'm going ahead, amigo." Mexico turned to the door.

"Hey! Thanks again, bro. I really did appreciate it." America exclaimed which makes Mexico whips his head back to offer a smile.

"You know, how about taking a break in Asia?" Mexico suggested. America's excitement made him shrieked which earned a humorous scoff from Mexico on his way out.

"Hey Mexico, say hi to Russia for me, would ya?" America blurted out.

"Ha!" Mexico replied as he slammed the door closed.

In Asia? That doesn't sound so bad.

After what seems like forever, America finally clicked 'send' on his pixelated computer screen and the report was sent instantly.

"Finally!" America cried while tears form in the corner of his eyes.

He finished his report before the deadline and was excited to get out his office even if it has the beautiful interior of mahogany flooring, beige walls and a view of the glistening city lights and stars in the window.

As he looked at his wristwatch seeing that it's 10:53 pm, he knew that no one else was left in the building except him. He cleans up his desk before dragging his noodle-limp body to the elevator down to the parking lot.

As he hit his back in the seat of his black and gold Bugatti Chiron, the wave of exhaustion came upon him like a warm and cozy blanket and immediately fell asleep in his car.

America didn't know how long he had passed out until he heard a soft tapping in his window. He ignored it but the tapping continued annoyingly like an itch. He was about to lash whoever that was tapping on his window disturbing his sleep until he saw who was outside.




It was Philippines.

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