Chapter 30: Worth it...

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... 4 hours earlier...

South Korea was overworked

He's on the airport's waiting area, ready to fly off to go to the next country for his album release.

He'd been contacting Japan for updates on Philipp's condition and was informed that they are in Mexico's vacation house and Philipp was safe.

He was relieved.

SK felt bad for not being with Philippines but he couldn't do anything besides, he still has his career to take care of.

"Good day. This is an announcement for all passengers traveling on the 3:00 flight MOP4220 to Canada. This flight is delayed by three hours because of bad weather."

Well, just his luck, SK's flight was delayed.

Out of tiredness and maybe frustration, we went out to buy coffee for he saw a cafe not too far from the airport. He also has time to spare to relax.

After walking for some distance he came upon a cozy cafe. The sky is a bit grey yet the cafe just gives off positive vibes. South was glad to be here.

There were no other people here rather than the cashier and someone at the corner so it was peaceful and quiet. He made his order before walking to the sit on the table across the mysterious guy who oddly seems familiar.

The stranger wears a black trench coat and a black Breton cap that covers his features. He looks old school but can really catch your eyes. Mystery guy seems to not notice him staring so SK observes him more out of curiosity.

To tell you the truth, the mystery guy seems to intrigue SK in some way...

"An order for South Korea" The cashier called and South Korea stood up to get his order, but strangely, the mystery guy also stood up and looking towards SK.

"South Korea?" The mystery guy stood up, looking directly at South Korea, his face visible and he looks like-

"Im Martial Law, Philippines' older brother." Martial took his cap in respect, revealing an upside-down color of the Philippine flag. Red on top instead of blue.

Of course, that's why he's so familiar!!!

"Martial!! What are you doing here?! I didn't mean that in a bad way. Im just surprised to see you here" SK responded. Oh, the others would be in so much trouble.

"I've been looking for Philippines for two hours. I also have to ask around to our agencies but none have seen him. The last thing I heard from Philipp is that he came to your album release." Martial explained in worry and tiredness.

SK was taken aback with Martial's concern with Philippines. It was evident that Martial is weary and jet-lagged and supposedly left their territory in a hurry since all he has is a backpack.

"Philippines came to my album release along with some others... but they left..." SK was skeptical if he needs to tell Martial about the incident with China but Martial's concern is where to find his brother.

"Do you know where he is? Please tell me if you do. I need to see my brother." Martial pleas and something crushed SK's heart. He can't lie to Martial like this.

"They... they went to Mexico's private vacation house. Give me your number and I'll send you the address and directions." South said to Martial, which was pleased.

After exchanging numbers and information Martial immediately fixed himself up to leave.

"Thank you so much, South Korea. You have my gratitude and I'll pay you back someday." And Martial left the door.

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