Chapter 25: We go...

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"K-Kuya Martial?!!!"

As soon as they realized who was on the other side of the phone, they felt chills down their spines. Each one of them holds their breaths.

"M-Martial!!!" Everyone cried in unison. America is sweating, a lot...

"I thought this was Russia's number? Where's Philipp? If anything happens to my brother, I'll snap your head off like a doll and I will certainly start the next world war!" Martial threatens as his voice emitted through the speaker.

The whole room suddenly paled. Something did happen to Philippines but they know that as soon as they confess the truth, everyone will end up in the pits of death.

"A-and why are you calling Russia?" America tries to shift the issue with his faltering confidence.

"Philipp didn't answer his phone. And I feel something bad happened to him"

"Then why will you call Russia?"

"Because I trust him more than you, America. He's there whenever Philippines is in crisis. You always took advantage of Philipp, you always do."

That slam the spot and America's chest agonized. He was left speechless.

The other countries inside kept silent. This is thick and suffocating.

Russia gulps his guilt.

Philip can sense the dreadful atmosphere. All of their anxiety is weighing him down with remorse.

"Now answer me, did something happened to my brother?" Martial questions again for an answer.

Philipp untangles himself from Vietnam's embrace, adjusts himself with fast, trembling hands and he immediately seized the phone from America's hand.

"Nothing happened to me!! Okay lang ako, Kuya. (I'm fine, brother)" Philipp lied, keeping his voice calm as possible.

"Philipp!!! Are you okay?! What happened to you? You haven't answered my calls" Martial's voice sounds paranoid and ridded at the same time.

"Pasensya po (I'm sorry). Pero o-okay lang ako..." Philipp bites his cheeks as he steadies his breath.

"And you lied to me. You said America wasn't with you. Philipp, I know you are willing to protect anyone but you lied to me to cover up that American. Hindi siya dapat pagkakatiwalaan (He mustn't be trusted)" Martial disappointment can be heard from his voice.

"Sorry po, Kuya" Philipp whispered and continues,

"I was... enjoying myself... with everyone. I forgot to charge my phone. I met Indo and Malay, also Vietnam...over here so you don't need to worry"

"Philipp, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have scolded you but I know something's wrong. You know you can tell me-" Martial pleaded but was cut off by Philipp.

"Sorry... I-I'm tired, Kuya. I will talk to you later once I've charged my phone." Philipp puts down the phone then moved toward Russia in cautious steps.

Without any words, Philippines grabs Russia's hands and gave back the phone. Russia is in absolute shock and shame when Philipp looked up to him and smiled before looking down as distress seeped through his small frame returning to his neighbor's arms afterwards.

"Philipp?! Philipp please answer me!" Martial kept on shouting over the phone and Russia answered hesitantly.

"Martial, it's me."

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