Chapter 17: Surprise

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Breathe in

Breathe out

Stay calm

"You can do this"

South Korea was all alone as he tries to calm himself down to stay focus.

Murmuring encouragements in whispers.

Shaking up his nerves as he circles the small expanse of the room with piled racks of clothes of his belongings.

He is now in the dressing room of the event with his things in the room since he left the hotel an hour ago.

After China left, they got into a hard time to calm themselves down, especially Philipines who's a whimpering mess. America immediately apologized then booked SK to another hotel. They've helped SK moved the baggage and now helping him out in his album release.

It was fine, but they are not in their usual selves.

America always hung his head low,

Japan became more distant to America,

Spain became overprotective to his companions,

South was faking his cheerful aura to staffs,

and Philipp locks himself in a bathroom stall ever since they've arrived.

South Korea's rain of thoughts stops when a knock was heard and the door opens revealing America.

"Hey, just checking you out if you're okay," America said as he approached South Korea.

"I'm fine. Just the usual nerves before every  meet up, but I'm fine." South offers America a small pretend smile, hoping that America will whisk any issue away.

The pressure to meet the expectations of his fans and the frolicking media overwhelms him.

He loves it.

The attention and the love he gets every time he does this kind of events.

He feels appreciated and cared.

He hasn't felt this for a long time ever since his brother...

He mentally slaps himself as he felt a pang in his chest.

"Look SK, if you don't want to talk about what happened earlier then say so. Don't just lie and say that it's fine." America pointed out noticing the forced smile of South. He pulls out a foldable chair and sat in front of the Korean.

"Sorry America, there are... there are things that are... troubling me..."

"Hey, it's okay"

"It's just that, we were not like this in the past, I mean my brother. I don't really want to hate him. I want to save him from this tyranny of his ... But he's doing things that I..."

"That he would make you hate him." America finished the sentence that was never would escape SK's mouth.

"Hmm..." Korea gave out a hum, its neither a yes or no and no one could tell.

"I'll do anything to help you. Just call me if you needed anything. Anything at all."

South Korea smiled at America and this time, it was a real one.

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