Chapter 29: Look who came

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Mexico was preparing the bonfire on the beach but this isn't your ordinary bonfire...

The sun was setting on the horizon with the glorious orange and stars begin to appear. The fire was blazing the yellow light that radiates a heat that fights the bite of the cold breeze. Around the fire, picnic mats are spread in the sand and are accompanied by fluffy pillows.

The atmosphere is perfect.

"Wow, you outdid yourself this time, Mexico," Russia muttered as he stride towards the bonfire. Behind him are Japan and Vietnam.

"This is entirely beautiful!" Japan clamored as he sat in one of the mats.

"Thank you! I'm glad that you like it. We just need to wait for others to come." Mexico sweetly smiled.

As the sun proceeds to set, the other countries gradually unraveled around the bonfire. The stars began to emerge one by one as the sky turned deep blue.

Indonesia and Malaysia went to join with some chilled soda inside an icebox.

America soon came to join the group with some barbeque. He and Russia still snarled at each other when their eyes met but they lessen their bickering so that the mood doesn't shatter.

Spain appeared next to the house. The fun thing is, he's holding Mexico's guitar and tuning it to the perfect pitch.

Philippines was just behind Spain but he didn't join in... yet.
He took out his phone in a refined sweep and started taking pictures of the bonfire and the sunset.

"Philipp, amigo, settle down already" Mexico can't help but cackle.

"I haven't posted anything since yesterday so... I need to post something now or else my followers will decrease." Philippines nudged as he continues to take pictures.

"Is it really necessary?" Japan asks.

"Yes. Now don't move or you'll get blur in the picture" Philipp admits without a doubt.

The others just snickers and hold their chuckle as Philipp proceeds on taking the picture until he's pleased.

"C'mon now Philipp, settle down and sit with us and just enjoy the bonfire and the stars," America said while motioning Philipp to perch beside him.

Philippines oblige and sits down.

The seat arrangement goes in this clockwise order around the fire...
Japan, Russia, Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, America, and Spain.

As they let the rest down, Spain initiated plucking the guitar strings in soothing acoustic tones.

Fingers go gracefully in the strings and frets as he plays a classical tune over the crackling firewood.

"Besame Mucho... You still play that song?" Mexico recognized Spain as he continues the music.

"It never gets old" Spain replied as he resumes through the music until it ended in a tuneful climax.

"That was wonderful, Spain. You're really extraordinary with playing the guitar." America praised the Spaniard in his guitar mastery and everyone approved.

"Does anyone want to try playing the guitar?" Spain unexpectedly proposed in a rather encouraging voice.

"How about we take turns with the guitar? Then sing a song in your own language." Malaysia suggested.

"Spin the bottle to decide who'll play first" Mexico proposed and held up an empty soda bottle.

Everyone agreed.

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