Chapter 11: Seven o'clock

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Now that Philippines is awake...

"Oh shit!"

He is now officially doomed with embarrassment and gut-wrenching shame. 

"P*ta! P*ta! P*ta!!!" Philipp bickered out with a whispered scream as he instantly remembers the stupid things he did last night... here are some of them: 

Actually... all of them were fucked up and he is screwed.

Philippines has no clue what happened to him after he blacked out... nor has a clue who tucked him in bed... 

Who's bed is it anyway???

America's scent?...

Heat rushed up Philipp's body all in cherry red and is now self-loathing due to embarrassment. As his anxiety perks up tenfold as he tries to solve puzzles of his shattered memories, he jumped out of bed which he regrets as he felt a sharp pain all throughout his head. He suddenly sat down the edge of the bed as he tries to lessen the throbbing headache.

He looks at the time... 7:08 am... and he's up early with a migraine from drinking.

 Philipp forced himself to go downstairs. He carefully watched his steps as he slowly descended the staircase which was illuminated by the sun from the ginormous glass window. The sky is still filled with puffy rain clouds but the sun's heat still peaks out on the silver linings.

He passed through the living room to the kitchen without noticing the snores of the sprouting mushrooms in the sofa who was exhausted the last night.

As Philipp turns towards the kitchen he saw someone by the sink drinking a glass of water who suddenly stopped as he felt the presence of the Filipino by the door. 

"Ohayo..." Japan trailed off his sentence seeing the presence behind him was Philippines with morning light resting on his newly awakened face.

"JAPA-!!!"Without any hesitation, Japan quickly ran to Philippines and covered his mouth while gesturing to keep quiet. 

"Shhh!!! The others are still asleep. You don't want to wake them." Japan muttered in a whisper on Philipp's ear, drawing out a warm air that brushes off the smaller country's neck.

Philippines began muttering something incomprehensible but Japan still willingly put his hand down to listen. 

"I'm sorry!!!" Philippines shrieked.

"Shh!" Japan began to wave his hands around for exaggeration and Philipp was the one to covers his own mouth.

"Sorry... umm... and I'm sorry that I called you last night. I was drunk and I need to apologize to everyone, and I'm sorry. I made trouble... again... I always made trouble..." Philippines muttered in a single breath, ducking down to hide the shame.

Japan straightened his posture and stared down at the smaller country in shock that morphed into understanding. He understands that Philipp didn't intend to call him but he still plays the guilty one.

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