Chapter 19: If escape is possible

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A cold sweat breaks through Philippines' skin as the sound of the door lock. He came back to the dressing room, about to charge his phone...

He quickly turned his head towards the door, with hope that it was just someone he knows and he's just being a scaredy-cat.

His hope came crashing hard down as he sinks into despair.

Discovering that it was China.



Inside with China blocking the only possible exit to set him free to ask for help.

China turns gracefully, facing Philipp with a pleased hum.

Clearly delighted but surprisingly steady, radiating something like comfort but sinister concealed deep.

"Now, it's quieter here, won't you agree Philipp?"  China asserted with a penetrating voice that sends shivers down the smaller one.

Even with China's friendly facade, Philipp started to panic, as his legs start to tremble. He knows something is up and he's horrified.

" Ch-China!" Philipp releases his quavering voice.

"Don't shout..." China smiled as he places his fingers in his mouth ushering to keep silent.

Philipp hesitates to talk. He just left the atmosphere to heavy silence. Fearful that he will utter out will lead him regretfully.

China doesn't seem to mind the hush and doesn't make any advancement.

China casually leans on the door, closing his eyes, crossing his arms, whistling along with the muffled music outside.

"So, why are you here?" China asked, ending the deafening silence. His voice was with no malice nor desire, Just something that is plain and agreeable.

"I- I went to UN for b-business matters..." Philipp answered hearing no malice on China's voice.

"So, how's your stay going?" China continues the questions.

"Fine..." Philippines cut the answer short. He senses that this is a random talk. He loosens up his muscles but still kept his guard up.

Silence came once again. Philippines fidgets and sweat as his heart pumps rapidly.

China started whistling again. Low and penetrating on the silence.

"What were you doing with America?" China changes his tone, now frustrated and pressing, looking straight to Philipp's eyes.

"That's none of your business, stop nosing around the lives of others..." Philipp chokes out, fighting with words though fear is present. And he resumes...

"You're not the boss of me"

China's eyes widened up, filled with vicious intent. The room was now filled with turmoil, heavy and crushing.

Philippines regretted what he said.

China started to step careful and slow steps towards Philipp who was trapped at the corner of the room.

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