Chapter 15: Let us go

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A beautifully enriched country of grace, traditions, laws, and culture...

And one of the VERY aggressive countries in the East. (No offense)

But despite the gossips and remarks, China was rather quiet and just do all of his work low-key and within his borders...
Making him more suspicious in America's eyes.

"I don't like him" America seethed in anger under his breath as they peeked through behind the building that they were hiding.

"I can't blame you with that, but you must not say that to him," Philippines added.

"I know, he's one of the biggest contributors in production and labor, business-wise. I do thank him for that but I still don't like his other tactics." America barked.

Philippines couldn't agree more.

Philipp is now at frantic times to free himself from China's hoaxes. The larger country is claiming what is supposedly Philipp's territory and with that, they're not in total harmony.

Martial Law tried to take over the situation by being more resentful against the Chinese, but Philipp bade to offer peace between him and China because he knew that even if he has the global community in his back, losses are still high on his side.

So he chooses peace.

"How do we get in?" South Korea interjected looking paranoid.

The countries look at each other with the same question as South Korea.

"We can create a distraction then go past him while he's looking away!!!" Spain manages to suggest with confidence.

"Or we could disguise ourselves differently and secretly sneak in without him knowing that it was us!!!" America beamed with pride. Disguises are easy as long as you got the perfect cosmetics of Hollywood.

Japan suddenly blurted out of nowhere,
"So what do you want me to do? Crossdress???"

"Aren't you into that?" America looked at Japan with a mocking grin on his lips,  teasing the poor red-faced Japanese.

"That-that... That's none of your business!!" Japan frantically covered his embarrassed face away from the group earning a chuckle from the others.

"But seriously, we can use the backdoor to enter" Philipp inferred and everyone approved.

They walked around the buildings to reach the backdoor without the Chinese catching them. They pass through the hotel's kitchen to enter and used the stairs rather than the elevator since it is in the line of sight of the Chinese.

All of them are giggling idiots while they're climbing upstairs because they found the situation quite funny as they escape China's field of sight.

They all scurried upstairs, making such a fuss until they reached South Korea's room on the 7th floor (SK's lucky number is 7).

All of them drained but they're snickering at the avoidance they made.

"Please...come in" South Korea offered an open door between his breaths but with a big smile on his face.

All of them went inside and was offered water to refresh their thirst from exhaustion.

The hotel room was a huge and marvelous aside from the clutter of baggages on the floor which belongs to SK that is full of clothes but they didn't mind.

As they all settled down, South Korea ruffled around his baggage looking for something that can fit Philipp. He got hold of one of his old tight skinny jeans designed with paint stains which looks cool and artsy.

Meeting Our Past (Countryhumans Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن