Chapter 8: Wasted

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The author does not encourage underage drinking. Stay safe.


Everything is so wrong for America.

He was back with Russia after a 3-hour long talk about everything that they could settle and when he returns, Spain passed out, half-naked on the sofa, wasted beyond belief while Philippines is bawling with happy tears as he takes pictures of his wasted companion.

7:00 pm and these guys are wasted in his condo!

"What happened to them?" Ruski asked in his Russian accent, somewhat entertained on what he is seeing.

"Seems like someone found my wine cellar." America assumed as he saw a half-full bottle of Lambanog in the center table. He did not expect that his guests were going to be wasted let alone Spain and Philippines who are known to be heavy drinkers.

America quietly and slowly approached the rather conscious country with Russia following behind him. 

"Philipp, what did you guys do?" America softly asked the smaller country who clearly just saw the other two.

"Hmmm... Ame!!! Ruski!!! Dito na kayo!!! Yehey!!" Philippines suddenly stands just to be outbalanced to the two countries smiling innocently as if nothing happens. America and Russia couldn't help but smile at the drunk country even if he's literally in trouble.

"Nakita ko 'ung lambanog, kaya kinuha ko tapos si Spain, uh... ano nangyari sa kanya? uy! uy! tingnan mo pictures namin. (I saw the Lambanog, so I took it and Spain, uh what happened to him? hey! hey! look at our pictures.)" Philippines shoves his phone to America scrolling through the photo gallery which practically shows the timeline of events of what happened.

The pictures started off as a professional photography session gradually turning into messy party pictures of the drunk duo doing anything into pictures of Spain's wasted face on the sofa.

Some pictures are taken in the center island of the kitchen where Spain and Philippines are posing with avocado and a jar of pickles, Other pictures are taken in front of the dryer where Spain is now half naked. The rest are from random places in the unit.

America shows Russia some of the pictures from Philipp's phone gallery earning a big laugh from Russia. It has been a good party for the two of them.

Russia holds the wobbly Philippines up by his waist, who is smiling like an idiot then Philipp snakes his arms around Russia's neck. Russia practically freezes. Height is insanely different which the smaller country quickly notifies.

"You, big, tall, handsome Ruski. You need to give me height. I'm short!!" Philipp bawled out flirtingly to Russia, standing tiptoe attempting to level with the Russian's height.

"Alcohol hit you hard?" Russia comedically teased Philippines recovering from his little freeze before.

"Hindi. Ako. Lasing. (I'm not drunk)" Philippines enunciate with exaggeration each word to Russia who didn't even understand a thing and giggled when he saw the questioned look of the bigger country so he points to the bottle of Lambanog.

"CoCoNut Vodka!!!" Philipp squealed with happiness like a child who just discovered crayons.

"How many shots did ya take, Philipp?" Russia asked curiously.

"Uh... I dunno???" Is that a question or an answer? Russia will never know.

"You didn't throw up anywhere?" America suddenly interjects, wishing that no one threw up. His floor and carpet will stink if they did and all the cleaning will be on him.

"Hindi naman po." Philippines blurted out, still smiling like an idiot.

"I don't know what you said, but I'll take that as a no," America commented as he continued scrolling through the photos hoping to make sense of what happened while they were gone.

Russia leads Philipp to sit down on the sofa seat next to Spain's when they slightly tripped due to unstable noddle feet.

"Careful now." Russia softly uttered. He's quite surprised that this small bean is a hardcore drinker and he's fascinated beyond expectations.

"Russia..." Philippines whispered and Russia paused involuntarily

"I-Dawn Zulueta mo ako!!!" Philippines drunkenly cried to Russia as he immediately jumps up clinging more to Russia causing for both of them to fall to the sofa.Philipp was squished underneath Russia, giggling like a mad man while Russia is a blushing mess.

"Philipp!!!" America bellowed as he saw the little stunt that the smaller country made.

"Naaantok na ako." Philippines suddenly retorted yawning and pulled Russia closer unwilling to let go.

"America, a little help here?!" Russia tries to push the drunken country with no prevail. He's clinging tightly like a lizard to a tree.

How is he this strong?!

"Okay wait a minute." America went to help the Russian country trying to fix its position on the sofa.

Russia and America looked at each other after they've removed the gecko off and was now fast asleep in the sofa when suddenly someone banged on the door and aggressively pushed the doorbell.

America rushed to the door, curious whoever was behind the door because: First, it's raining outside. Second, he didn't invite anyone to come over.

Hurriedly, he unlocks and opened the door to see who's on the other side. America's eyes went wide as he stares eye-to-eye whoever arrived in his doorstep soaking wet making a puddle in his feet, breathing heavy like he's from a marathon and looking at America up and down.

"Sorry for the intrusion but Philippines called me to come." The visitor said with desperation and concern in his voice.






Thus, this was a great chapter for the author


The Philippines are allied with the US in terms of military forces for decades and are really grateful for it. But recently, the Philippines asked military assistance to Russia and not to the US since the current President of the Philippines wanted to bring alliance with Russia. Since the US and Russia are somewhat foes, the Philippines is caught between the two.

Again, I do not encourage drinking for minors and reminds grown-ups to know safe drinking. Don't drink and drive or other kinds of illegal stuff.

Thank You For Reading!!!

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