Chapter 20: Rescue?

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Vietnam cant calms his nerves down.

He knows something is wrong.

Its been minutes since Philippines called him, distressed and brittle, begging for something like calling for help.
Then the line was cut off, leaving the Vietnamese confused and worried.

He tried to call back several times but none was able to get through.

He was now in South Korea's album release, just hanging around for fun but after the call, Vietnam had difficulty staying in focus that he didn't notice that the Korean was sneaking up behind him.

"Vietnam! Its a surprise seeing you here." South cheerfully greeted but Vietnam didn't even return the greetings. He just stood there floating in his own thoughts.

"Umm... Vietnam?" South Korea tries again and touches Vietnam's arms.

By that Vietnamese manage to react with a jolt and a red face.

"I'm so sorry! Heavens, that was embarrassing!! I-I was so caught up with my thoughts that -that I umm... Sorry...." Stuttering, the Vietnamese lowers his head down. Despite Vietnam's toughness, he still gets embarrassed by small things.

South Korea just smiled at him but he senses worry around.

"What's the matter?" SK asked, not really bothered of the stares and attention from his fans around them.

"Philipp called me and I was kind of- kind of..." Vietnam whispers that were enough to be heard by the South, knowing that this matter could be private.

"Kind of what? You kinda like him?" South Korea jokingly asked as Vietnam as the other one exploded into a much darker shade of red.

"No! No, no, no... Its nothing about that! He called me and he sounds like he need help..." Vietnam manages to say which morphed SK's face into a worried frown.

"He's here. I mean he was with me along with the others... We separated ways but he's with Malaysia and Indo. He cant be in trouble..." South Korea manages a smile, just a small one for Vietnam to ensure that it may be just a hoax.

"But he sounds like he's been crying... Distressed. He called me then after a few seconds, the line was cut off. I tried to call back but it wouldn't get in." Vietnam uttered.

"I don't think he's in trouble -I don't... Unless..... oh sh*t...." South Korea's eyes went wide as if he discovered something that can create nightmares.
Is China in here?

"What is it?" Vietnam questioned South's reaction and it made him more paranoid. What is happening and what does the Korean know?

South Korea just stares straight to Vietnam's eyes of full horror and dread. It earned Vietnam a wave of anxiousness, making him more confused and lost on what was going on.

"Hey, tell me..." Vietnam quavered but South didn't mention anything.

"Go ask for help. I'll inform my staff about Philippines and ask if they know anything but I don't want to cause any public display." SK begged and left in a rush leaving Vietnam with no information on what was going on.

Even though confused, Vietnam didn't question anymore and looked for help. He walks briskly, trying to find anyone he can ask for help. That's when he remembered that Malay and Indo are in the same building, he pulls out his phone, ready to contact his neighbors until-

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