Chapter 26: Partners in Secrets

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All Philippines could remember was entering SK's van, settling in some country's arms, then everything went dark...

He knew he fell asleep

He doesn't know where he is right now.

All he knows is that he was awaken by something licking him.

He stirred up in the bed and underneath the covers as the licking continues...


He's tucked in bed...

Under the covers...

With a weight in his chest cavity that seems to be the source of the licking...

Philipp turns over and opens his eyes and came eye to eye with... a Chihuahua?


"AHH!!!" Philippines shrieked in surprise as the chihuahua kept on barking and swishing his tail.

Footsteps are suddenly heard outside the room that is heading towards the door and in storms Mexico.

"Philippines!!! What happe-" Mexico ceases in his mid-sentence as soon as he barges in the room.

He saw Philippines giggling as the chihuahua kept on licking him all over his face.

"Paco!!!" Mexico raises his voice in which the dog immediately turned attention on the Mexican. The dog then trotted excitedly towards Mexico, tongue out in delight.

"Philippines, I'm sorry. Paco seems to wake you up." Mexico apologizes to Philippines as he picks up the small dog into his arms.

"It's alright, Mexico. He's just a puppy the last time I saw him." Philippines smiles solemnly as he gazes at the dog.

Paco is Mexico's dog and is a full breed chihuahua. Philippines saw it once when he visited Mexico and he knows Mexico loves the adorable furball.

Mexico smiled back before putting the dog down at the foot of the bed. Paco unexpectedly runs up Philippines, eager and begging for a belly rub. It brings joy to Philipp even more.

Mexico sat on the edge of the bed as both countries coddled the dog.

"How are you feeling?" Mexico suddenly asked.

"Shaken, but it's not like I can't handle this," Philipp responded.
He can't really deny the fact that he was sexually harassed in the dressing room after all that drama. He just needs to keep his mouth shut.

"You can talk to me if you want to,"

"Its okay, Mexico. Thank you for offering, tho."

"Look Philipp, you can't just keep it all to yourself. If someone brought you to harm, he can pay for his-"

"No one brought me harm," Philipp affirmed as he deflected Mexico's gaze by petting Paco.

"Philipp, you won't cover up someone who scarred you, would you?" Mexico pointed out.

Philippines kept quiet for a while before answering.

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