Chapter 24 - Farm Life.

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It was finals' week... I always think that I'm dead on the inside until finals' week.

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"Chibs?" Monica called out.

"Over here." His voice came out a little muffled from his position.

She followed to where he was, taking in the scenery. Chibs and the boys were finishing up with building a bigger stable for Brownie and a greenhouse for Monica.

Gemma stopped by earlier, with Clay, to visit the grandchildren for a couple of hours.

Jax and Happy were currently asleep and so were the kids - they had a rough night.

She tried to warn those two about messing up their sleeping schedule, so she made them stay up the entire night with them.

"Get out." Monica said, hearing her bedroom door open.

Everyone knew how much she hated to sleep with her door open, but she didn't keep it locked when she knew that they were at the house.

Monica didn't look up from the book that she was reading.

"I regret it." She heard Happy's gruff voice say. She tried not to laugh, but it was so hard because he was hilarious without trying to be.

"You and Jax just had to keep them up." Monica shrugged. "Maybe Chibs will help you two."

"Already tried that. His old ass is already knocked out on the couch." Happy scoffed, as he sat down on the side of her bed.

"You're not exactly a spring chicken either, Happy." Monica pointed out, taking up for her Scot, although she knew he was only joking around.

"Whatever, woman. You love my old ass."

"Eh.. Debatable." Monica said, looking at him over her glasses.

"I'm kidding!" She said, when he gave her a look. Happy grunted in response.

"Look at Bella though." Monica pointed out. The baby girl was in her pamper, drooling on her father's chest with her fist in her mouth.

Monica leaned over to take her fist out of her mouth, which Bella protested with a small whine.

"She's the quiet one, it's Junior and Jackie that y'all should have had sleeping at their normal time."

"We're doing kangaroo time, ain't that right?" Happy said, kissing Bella on the cheek. "You wanna join?"

"Nope. Have fun." Monica's focus went to finding her stopping point in the book.

"And Jax.. don't you bring your Calvin Klein ass in here."

They both heard Jax laugh from outside of the door.

Monica took the opportunity to work on her garden, while they were all asleep.

She stopped to pet Brownie, whose head was sticking out of his window. He neighed in response.

 He neighed in response

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