2 - Bella

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I am omw to your house. Pretending it's your Birthday couldn't convince them, but I pulled the Adam card. See you.

Just as I snuck out of the house I realized that it was probably not a good idea to go out in just a guns n roses tshirt-dress, a fishnet tights and combat boots considering it was winter.

But partys were the only places where I could be who I wanted to be and dress how I wanted to dress. I hated that I had to walk around in stiff dresses, tight skirts and uncomfortable high heels all the time I was going out with my parents or my boyfriend.

I just wasn't made for that type of clothing. I rather liked to dress in a chill but still revealing way like I did today.

I put my hair in a loose bun and did a quick eye makeup, nothing special. I wish I could walk around like that all of the time but my family would chop my head off if I would go out with them to see Popstars, filmmakers and singers like that.

My phone beeped.

See, I told you Adam is a good cover. But I still think he isn't the right guy for you.

Anyway, I am so happy I get to see you again. I've missed you. We definitely have to drink shots together.

Putting my phone away now. Just ring the bell.

I couldn't wait to finally see Bella again either.

It was not like she lived miles and miles way. Actually it just took about a twenty minutes walk to get to her from her house but she was a lot on vacation with her parents too.

We shared the same living circumstances, the same shitty parents, the same views and the same mind. It was a shame that we didn't have the opportunity to meet up every day.

Finally, I arrived. I already heard the deafning noises of loud music, growling people and shattering glasses inside. Bella's houseparties were huge and always getting out of control, just like my life.

I stepped on the doormat and rang the bell. At first I doubted that someone would even hear me ringing through all the noise but a few seconds later Bella opened the door.

Her eyes widened, she screamed.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Crystaaaaallll! I've missed you so so so sooooo muchhh!" She yelled and roughly pulled me into an intense hug.

I seemed to be suffocating, given the fact that my face was buried in her thick blonde hair and additionally she wrapped her arms around me tighter than how her dress looked.

"Bella, ouch!" I laughed and she slowly let go of me. "Come on we have to get some alcohol in your system sweetheart!" Bella was always so energetic, especially when she was drunk. I really admired that. I was always tired.

She was dragging her behind me through a group of sweaty people into one of their two kitchens.

"Tequila, babyy." She took two shot glasses from a tablet and handed then two me. "Guess I'll have to." I sighed and chugged them down both at the same time.

Bella was so  enthusiastic, that I had to repeat this procedure three more times until my stomach was feeling nauseous and my throat was burning from the inside out.

"Do you have beer or something?" I coughed and looked around the filled kitchen but I only saw Tequila, Vodka and  Liquor. "Beer, Wine, Water... All the light stuff is in the other Kitchen." She explained. "Is it okay for you if I leave you on your own for a while?" She giggled and threw a look at a guy right across her. "Knock yourself out." I winked and started to make my through different groups of people to the second Kitchen.

I really needed a wine or a beer right now, something that would cool me down and calm my stomach.

Don't worry guys, this was just the build up to set the tone for the story. In the next chapter Crystal will meet someone very special, hehe. Who do you think it's going to be?

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