25 - leak

852 25 0

We were all sitting in the living room just chatting, listening to music and drinking beer.

Clinton had his arm around my waist the whole time. After we talked about everything and made a commitment I already felt a lot better.

I casually grabbed my phone and just wanted to check if Bella answered to my last message where I told her that I was practically in a relationship with Clinton now.

But when I unlocked my phone my messages exploded.

48 messages on WhatsApp

99+ interactions on Instagram

99+ interactions on Twitter

I was more than confused. At first I opened WhatsApp. The first chat I read was Bella's, since she was pinned at the very top and when I read her messages I felt how my stomach turned around.

[ One missed phonecall ]

Crystal pick up.

Adam sold the pictures to the media. They're everywhere.

I already found over ten articles.

Oh no. This wasn't good at all. I was afraid to open my other socials but eventually I had to make myself a picture of how bad this was.

When I opened my Instagram I saw immediately that about a hundred people had posted the two pictures of me and tagged me in them.

When I went through the comment section of my last post I started to get really sad.

-Lmao what a whore
-Does Adam know about the pictures lol @ adampowell
-On this pic she still looks normal, what happened to her?
-Crackwhore haha
-She looks like a junkie now I swear
-Crystal Hill remember this was you, haha
-She already looks like a cheater
-Crystal is now trying to be edgy
-Who is the guy he kisses in this one pic, not Adam for sure
-She looks rich in this pic but I bet she's broke now.

I closed Instagram again.
This was a disaster.
I really didn't think these two pictures could blow up so fast but now these pictures and the comments regarding it were everywhere. Not to mention that certain celebrity magazines already published articles about me in just a few hours. The backlash and hate I was getting from this was insane.

I put my phone aside and started to cry. Tears were falling down on my clothes. As much as I wanted to not care about other people's opinion it affected me.

Clinton noticed I was crying when I started to sob quietly. "Hey, Hey Crystal, Hey." He immediately pulled me closer to him and started to pat my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked worryingly and wiped away the tears on my cheeks with the touch of his thumb. "Adam sold the pictures to the Media. They're everywhere Clinton. Everyone hates me and entitles me as a 'cheater' or a 'junkie' or a 'crackwhore'" I started to cry even more, now that I said these words out loud.

"Hey, hey shh. Don't worry Crystal we're here for you. You know you did nothing wrong. If the truth comes out everyone will know how Adam Powell really is." He tried to calm me down but it didn't work. "No Clinton it's already too late. People won't listen to me. I brought my parents in so much trouble, they are going to lose their business deals because of me." I felt like such a piece of shit.
"It's not your fault Crystal, you know that." Clinton rubbed my back and gave me a soft kiss.
"Everyone loves Adam online. He has such a good reputation, he has brand deals, he always has a charming smile on his face... Nobody will believe me Clinton everyone will hate me! They all hate me!" Now I started to freak out.

"Ey Crystal you know we're all here for you, we would never hate you." Mitchel linked himself in. "Yes you can count on us." Kras added. "For sure!" Jordan said and everyone else nodded.

"Thank you guys. Maybe I am just overreacting a little, I mean it can't be that bad right? Maybe now is the right time to go back home I have some things to deal with now." I sighed.

"And what would that be?" Kras asked. "I am calling our lawyer and I am going to sue Adam for abuse and bodily harm, maybe I can even sue him because he put after me, we'll see. One thing is for sure I will not let him do that to me." I explained determined. "Yes do that, this asshole needs to get his rightful punishment." Jordan agreed.

Devilish😈 // Clinton CaveWhere stories live. Discover now