20 - noodles

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I woke up to loud quirky yells downstairs. When I turned my body around to look at Clinton he was gone. I smiled and felt the soft fabric of the blanket with my fingertips.

He was probably downstairs joking around with Kras and Mitty.

It was probably already midday and I was so hungry that I immediately got out of bed and went downstairs.

What I saw when I walked down the stairs were Kras and Mitty fighting and Clinton and two other males standing next to the scene and laughing their asses of.

"Guys?" I laughed and watched how Mitchel pulled on Christian's hair. "Look who finally left the bed." Clinton layed his arm around my shoulder and gave me a cute little peck on my head.

"So this is her Clinton huh?" One of the boys asked and grinned knowingly. "Yeah that's her, that's Crystal." Clinton answered and looked down on me in a possessive but also loving way.

"I'm Jesse by the way, the drummer." Jesse stretched out his hand and waited for me to do the same. "Hey Jesse I'm Crystal."
"Hey I'm Pat." The other man politely introduced himself to me. "Hi Pat."

I was impressed that all the five members looked stunning, each and everyone in their own way. A wild mixture of character and looks, but to me it was perfect.

The doorbell rang and Mitchel and Christian finally stopped fighting like two little nine year old kids. "I think the food's here." Jesse commented and went opening the door. "You ordered food?" I asked excitingly. I could not wait to fill my empty stomach with something delicious.
"Yeah we ordered Chinese." Kras answered and rubbed his belly.

"Put everything on the table." Clinton said to Jesse who came back with a bunch of boxes stacked in his hands. We all sat down around the table and everyone of us was grabbing a box of noodles.

"Oh my god yes." I shoved the fork with a bunch of noodles on it in my mouth. The feeling of starving finally came to an end.

"Ey Crystal, Clinton." Mitchel pointed at us with his fork. "I was fuckin surprised I didn't here noises out of your room dude. Were you just like super quiet or did you did it somewhere else?" I almost chocked on my noodles and started to cough. I could not believe he brought this up infront of everyone.

"Did it come to your mind that maybe why you didn't hear noises is because there was nothing to hear huh?" I raised my eyebrow and pointed back at him now with my fork.

"So you didn't smash it?" Mitchel leaned back in his chair with an investigating look on his face.

"No we didn't. Because if we did you would have heard me screaming through the whole house." I shrugged my shoulders and continued eating like nothing happened.

Everyone else was either grinning or snorting with laughter.

"Really through the whole house?" Clinton asked with a dirty look on his face. "Yeah, I mean if you're good in bed" I tried so hard to not burst out into laughter after this and shoved a fork of noodles in my mouth to stay completely serious. "Duuudee." Christian sighed and covered his face with his hands. "I didn't wanna know that." He added.

"So we can rate how good Clinton is in bed by the volume of the noise you make." For a second I thought about throwing the rest of the noodles into Mitchel's face. All of a sudden I lost my appetite. "Mitchel stop it!"
"Fine I'll stop torturing you." He held up his hands in defense.

"So what's your plan for today?" I asked the boys and layed down my cutlery.  "Oh just rehearsal,interview and press n stuff. Now with the album and the tour coming up we have a lot of stuff to handle" Kras answered and removed his hands from his face again.

"Oh yeah right. I think I am going to Bella's house today. I haven't seen her in a while and after I texted her last night and told her what happened with Adam she totally freaked out." I let out a loud yawn.

"We could pick you up for rehearsal later." Christian suggested. "Yeah alright, cool, why not." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"I should probably get going. Bella texted me the whole morning."

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