21 - grateful

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"Oh my god Crystal come here." When Bella opened the door she immediately pulled me into a welcoming, long hug.
"I swear to God I am going to kick Adam in his balls the next time I see him." Bella was so upset about the whole story that I had to sit down with her after I took a long shower at her house and explain everything to her in detail.

I was still wrapped in a towel, sitting on her bed and we talked for hours. We cried, we laughed we yelled, we screamed, there was a bit of everything.

"Can I wear some of your clothes? I really don't want to wear the same clothes over and over and I am too afraid to got home right now. I am scared that Adam might be there." I sighed and held on to my towel. "Yeah sure, of course. I have a new black jumpsuit that would perfectly together with your combat boots. Wait I'll get it."

I felt so good wearing fresh clothes after taking a shower and Bella was absolutely right. The jumpsuit looked stunning and fitted my general appearance very well.

"Thank you Bella, honestly." I smiled at her as she handed me a cup of cool water.

"You told me everything about Adam now but you didn't tell me about you and Clinton at all. So come on spill the tea!" She squeaked excitingly and gave me a hit on my thigh. "Uhm there's really not that much to tell." I nervously rubbed the back of my head. "Uh uh. Crystal you're a liar." Bella didn't believe my words at all. She knew me too damn well. "Come on spit it out."

"Alright, alright." I sighed and placed my hands on my legs. "We definitely have like a thing going on. Yesterday at the party he threw me into the pool with clothes and jumped right after me. At first I was like super pissed but the whole thing ended up with us making out in his pool with clothes on." I had to grin. It was a really weird place for a first kiss. "And did anything happen between you after that?" Bella asked curiosly. "Well we made out in his room afterwards and we probably would have had sex if Christian didn't came in." I mumbled. This situation was honestly kind of embarrassing "Are you kidding? oh my god Crystal what happened to you and where's the old Crystal." She squealed. "I mean you were in a relationship with Adam for like two years and you didn't have sex once and now you suddenly meet Clinton and you wanted to get fucked immediately? Girl you have to be like really into him." I loved that Bella was always brutally honest and said what she thought.

"The feelings that I have for Clinton are very different from the feelings I had for Adam. When he kissed me I felt like my heart is going to explode. It's not forced like when Adam kissed me. He made me feel things I never felt before in my life Bella. He is loving, he is caring but he is also a little cocky and dominant and the mixture of it is just -" I was running out of words.

"Crystal you are madly in love with Clinton." Bella determined. "And you deserve it Bella. You deserve a man like Clinton." She smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Just please be careful and make sure that he means it honest with you. I couldn't watch you go through another heartbreaking experience like that." She gave me a little kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Bella, for everything. I am so glad we have each other" I smiled back.

Suddenly my phone was ringing.

Clinton ♥️

I immediately had to chuckle and picked up the phone.

"Hey Clint." I answered the call. "Hey Crystal." He immitated my tone of voice so well, it was unreal. "The car's outside we're here to pick you up from rehearsal. Kras, Jesse and Pat are already there." Through all the talking with Bella I totally forgot that they said they wanted to pick me up later.

"Alright, I'm coming."

Devilish😈 // Clinton CaveWhere stories live. Discover now