8 - shoot

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We didn't say a word to each other until Clinton locked up the door of their house and let us both in.

"I don't know where your keycards are but I will text Kras." He pulled out his phone and tapped so fast that I was not able to read what he was writing Christian. As soon as he was done he put his phone back into his pocket again.

"Any plans for tonight?" He asked casually.

Just now I noticed that he was wearing my favorite jacket of his. It was the black jeans jacket with orange flames on the bottom.

"No, no plans for today. And you?" I answered and nervously looked around the living room.

"Wanted to light up some of that good green. You in?" He pulled a perfectly rolled blunt and a lighter out of the pocket of his jacket.

Seems like he always had some of that stuff in stock. Good for him.

"Sounds convincing." I formed my lips to a subtle smile.

Clinton sat down on the couch infront of the TV in the living room and so I naturally did the same. "What do I get?" He asked and lit up the blunt between his lips. "What do you mean, what do you get?" I asked and threw a confusing look at him. The smoke was slowly filling the air between us. "What do I get for sharing my weed with you?" He asked and slowly blew the smoke out in the air. "Absolutely nothing Clinton." I stole the blunt from his hand and put it between my lips.

I didn't consume weed in a while. When I was home or out I was under constant watch of my parents or Adam so there was no opportunity for me to get high on regular basis. But now that my parents were abroad and I managed to avoid Adam more and more from time to time there was room for a little more fun in my life.

Clinton turned on the TV and opened Spotify. "Did you listen to our recent EP?" He asked and kicked on the Chase Atlantic Artist profile. "Of course. I listen to all of the stuff you guys put out. Gotta support my boys." I chuckled and took another draw. "What were your favorite songs on the EP?" Clinton raised an eyebrow, he looked like he wanted to test me, like he couldn't imagine I really actively listened to them. "That would be Rockstar and Lust." I answered and watched the smoke slowly dissolve in thin air.

Chewed up, I've been kicking rocks, kicking shit
I've been rolling off that 8-1, don't try this
Narcotics in my bloodstream, I don't feel a damn thing
Moral of the story: don't die kids

Mitchel's angelic voice sounded through the speakers. I really felt their music on a whole nother different level now that I was getting high.

Clinton took the blunt from me and left me with the music. I closed my eyes, I felt the music, I listened to Mitchel's voice, I zoned out.

Take drugs, stay high
View the fucking earth from the outside 

I opened my eyes again. I could barely see Clinton through all the smoke. Once again I catched myself staring at him. Once again I thought it looked so aesthetically pleasing how he blew the smoke up in the air.

"Last few hits. Wanna get a headshot?" Clinton asked and looked at me suggestively. "Sure." I turned my body towards him and watched him take a few deep draws. He turned the blunt around and placed it between his lips, paying attention that he didn't get in contact with the burning ash. I slowly leaned forward and carefully placed my lips around the tip of the blunt.

Rockstar was now over and Lust started playing through the speakers.

Long walk through the forest, come and find me
Cold nights, dark sprites, sip it lightly
I don't even wanna fuck, I just like you
I thought I only liked drugs, I'm surprised too

Our bodies were so close that I could feel mine shut down, going into a state of paralysation again. At the same time it felt like I could feel every of his touches a hundred times more sensitive on my skin.

Clinton gently moved my hair back and placed his hand right under my ear. I could immediately feel the spot on my neck starting to heat up. Clinton started to blow the smoke through the blunt into my mouth. I started to feel dizzy.

All I could pay attention to was how his soft lips gently touched mine when he blew the smoke inside my mouth. My body went crazy. My heart rate went up in a split of a second, I could feel my blood running through my veins, adrenaline rushing through my body.

Hard drugs
No trust
Fuck love we can do this shit forever if it's lust, yeah
Listen up, yeah

When he removed his lips and took the blunt back in his hands to extinguish it in a glass of water standing on the desk infront of him I lost my breath.

"You know you practically kissed me?" How could he always have such a cocky attitude. He really believed he was the shit. "No I didn't." I scoffed and watched the blunt cool down. "Yes you did." Clinton answered and looked at me provocatively. "You gave me a shoot Clinton, so what? Besides that you damn well know I have a boyfriend." I tried to defend myself. "Your boyfriend is an asshole." Clinton said and kept looking at me intensively. I hated when he laid is eyes on me like that, like he wanted to hunt me down.

"He's still my boyfriend." I answered.
"You call him your boyfriend but deep down you know you don't want him, don't you?" Clinton leaned his body slightly forward and placed one of his hands on my thigh.

It felt like shock was going through my body. I looked down on his hand resting on my thigh.

"Clinton I-"

I heard keys jiggle. I quickly removed Clinton's hand from my leg and turned around.

"Dude it smells in here." I heard Kras yell as they stormed in the living room.

"Oh hey you two. Did we miss something?" Kras asked curiosly and Mitchel lurked around the corner.

"Nah, just a headshot"
"Clinton and I shared a blunt." I corrected him. Getting a headshot from Clinton sounded pretty wrong if you interpreted it in a different way.

"Good that we brought food n beers" Mitchel said and held up a grocery bag.

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