24 - commitment

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Going down into the living room was more than akward. I am so glad that I didn't had to to this alone and Clinton was right behind me because as soon as we entered the open kitchen to get some water everyone was looking on us.

Mitchel was grinning, Kras aswell and the others just sat there giggling.

"Dude we really heard you screaming through the whole house." Mitchel was the first one to raise his voice. "Told ya." I tired to seem cool and relaxed about this but I immediately felt how my face heated up and turned red. "So my brother fucked you good?" I was trying not to let him freak me out but it was really really hard to keep myself together in this moment.

"Yeah he did." That was all I had to say as I chugged down my cool glass of water.
When my eyes fell on Jordan I could see that she seemed to be a little bit worried.

"Okay so are you done now Mitchel?" I asked as we were about to go back into Clinton's room. "There's nothing more to say." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

I was so relieved when I could sit back down on Clinton's bed with him again. Situations like these were honestly so embarrassing.

"Clinton what are we now?" I suddenly heard myself ask the one vital questions. "I don't know what we are Crystal." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't just want to be one of the girls you fuck and then move on with them." I said and sipped on my cup. "You think that's what it is? I fuck you and then I move on?" He was starting to get louder. "Well I can't see in your head Clinton. So I am telling you right here, right now I am not just here to be your toy or whatever. I want something serious okay? And if you're not willing to take this commitment I am sorry but that's not how I do it." Jordan said it was the best to be open with him and that's what I tried to do right now.

"Why are you suddenly talking about commitment. Just today you encouraged me and said I was right about that it is complicated between us and a few hours later you changed your mind?" I never saw Clinton so angry besides maybe the time he kicked Adam out of my house.

"No I am not saying it's not complicated. I just think it would be less complicated for us if we knew what we are. If we would just settle this here and now." I was so stressed out about this.

"How do you expect me to do that?" Clinton was caught in a rage. "Clinton I have feelings for you, deep feelings. I never felt such a strong attraction to anyone before and I just really want to be with you. I just need to be certain about this." I sighed and looked down on to the ground.

"You want me to be certain okay I am going to be certain now. You scare me Crystal. My relationship to women is usually just physical pleasure but then you show up change everything I know. I am afraid of commitment, it's not something that I usually prefer." He made a short pause.

"But I would do it for you. If that's the only way you are willing to be with me." He said.

I was about to tear up.
Clinton was willing to give it a try and so was I and it made me more than happy.
"Thank you Clint." I fell into his arms and just started to cry.

I was so afraid of losing him again. We had such a special connection.

I was happy that I listened to Jordan's advice and I really think it was the best for us to try it this way.

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