18 - telephone call

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Before this chapter starts I just want to thank you all. I haven't been really active on here for a few weeks and suddenly I open Wattpad and my story has about 700 reads that's crazy! Thanks a lot it makes me so happy that you seem to enjoy this story! I will try to update it more frequently and also I am working on a new story :)

"Do you want me to come with you?" Clinton put his hand on my back and stroked me softly. I was so glad that I didn't have to be alone in this moment, although it's fair to say I wouldn't even be in this position now if I had never met them again.

"Yes, please." I sniffed and wiped my tears away with the help of my arm. "Do you want to go outside or upstairs to take the call?" Clinton asked and continued to stroke me. "Upstairs, I'm feeling little cold." I answered quietly. Clinton and I left Christian and Mitchel behind with a few other people downstairs and walked back into Clinton's room.

It was weird. It never came to my mind that I would enter this room twice this night. Well maybe, but I thought if I would enter this room again tonight we would have other intentions than calling my mom in China.

I slowly sat down on the edge of Clinton's bed. He sat down next to me, while I dialed my mom's phone number.

"Please mum pick up, please"
I thought.

It must have been my lucky day. My mum already picked up the phone a few seconds after I made the call. That wasn't normality in our family.

"Oh hey honey. Wow I can't believe you're calling. How are you? Is everything fine?" I hated myself for always getting into trouble. I always had to tell my parents as early as possible because if it got through to them to the media before they heard it from me I can say goodbye to my head.

It was heartbreaking to hear that she probably expected good news.

"Mom I have to tell you something. I really need you to listen okay?" I could feel how I had to tear up again. I was such a bad daughter.

"Honey what's wrong?" She sounded worried.

"Mom I broke up with Adam. Please don't say anything yet, let me explain." I breathed out sharply and made a quick pause as I expected her to yell at me but she didn't say a word. I continued.

"I broke up with him about a week ago when I caught him cheating on me while I was out with friends.
He sat there in his Lamborghini and kissed a woman that was probably ten years older than me.
She also claimed that Adam and her had been together for about two years, which means he cheated on me all along.
He never really loved me Mom.
He just used me because he knew it could benefit him in his business relations.
For two years he pretended that we were a happy couple." I had to make a short break to take a few deep breaths.

"And I pretended it too Mom. Infront of you, infront of him, infront of everybody. But we were not a happy couple, not at all. Adam always yelled at me for no reason. He made me feel like I was worthless. After a while he even started to hit me. He abused me. He was highly agressive.
I still have bruises and marks of him on my body." I had to really keep my shit together to not drown in upcoming wave of emotions.

"I am going to send you two pictures now mom and you have to promise me you won't hate me." I lost. The wave of emotions knocked me over and teared me down. I started to cry again.

"A-alright yeah I promise. Crystal you know I could never hate you. You're my daughter honey."

photo 📷

"Honey what is that? Wait... is that you? What are you wearing and who is this guy you're kissing. I need to sit down." I heard my mom say through the phone.

"Mom you remember Christian, don't you?" I tried to stay calm. I knew I had to explain every last bit to her or she would not let go of me.

"Yes of course I remember Christian. You spent your exchange year at his house. But what does he have to do with all this?" She seemed very confused.

"I met Christian on Bella's party a few weeks ago. I had literally no idea that he was here but I met him. It was a lucky coincidence. They actually rented a house in our neighborhood for a few months that's crazy.
So as you can imagine I was super happy to reunite with him but also with his two best friends Mitchel and Clinton.
They really have been such supportive, helpful and caring persons the last few weeks. I couldn't have made it without them Mom, they built me back up after this big incident with Adam." It was really hard to sum up everything that happened the last few weeks and led to this two pictures but I tried my hardest.

"What you see in those two pictures mum is me partying at their house. I am actually with them right now. I am wearing some of Mitchel's clothes, they are not mine but I really enjoy wearing baggy t-shirts and comfortable shoes. You know that tight dresses, skirts and high heels are not my thing.
And yes I am smoking in the first picture. I know it's bad. And I know it smells. And I know it's not representing a good image in combination with my choice of clothing but I'm 21 mom. I am young, I wanna party." I was literally so confused because the whole time my mom heared me out and didn't say a thing until now.

"And who his man on the second picture. Are you dating him now? He looks familiar." In my head I could see how my mom zoomed in on him with a curious face on.

"I think you could say that. We definitely have a thing but it's all very new and very fresh you know. And yeah he looks familiar because I probably showed you a photo of him a couple times. It's Clinton." I answered and hoped that she would take it well.

"Oh I remember. You we're crazy about him and you told me he is a good friend of Christian. I think I still have the pictures you sent me of him on my phone." This was so embarrassing.

"Mom thank you for not freaking out. We just have one little more problem. Adam paid a guy to secretly take this pictures of me and threatened to sell them to the media if I didn't get back together with him." I quickly said to get her to talk about the actual topic.

"Oh honey, why would I freak out. I had no idea what a bad person Adam really is. I will immediately teach your father about this and believe me I will make sure that he and his family will get not a dime of our money after we're done with them. Crystal I am proud that you had the courage to tell me this in person. There is no way I could be angry at you. These two pictures won't stand in any of our ways believe me. One can't even really identify your face.
Adam is the one who's going to get the backlash when people find out that he assaulted you, beat you, cheated on you, hired someone to secretly pictures of you and blackmailed you. I am going to make sure that he is going down." I was so happy that my mum supported me so much and shed a tear.

"Thank you Mom. I have to hang up. Clinton's already starting to show signs of boredom sitting next to me." I said extra loud and formed my lips to a smile.

"Alright. I will make sure that we are coming back to visit you next weekend. There will be a lot of things to discuss with our lawyer and press officer...
Maybe you can invite Clinton over for dinner or maybe just a drink. I would really love to get to know him. He doesn't look too bad on this picture I have to say he seems handsome." Oh god. More embarrassment.

"Yeah mom, love you okay bye." I hang up the phone and sighed.

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