11 - over and out

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I quickly wanted to say thank you because we're almost at about 100 reads, that means a lot. :)  Also I finished this book a few days ago so I got many, many chapters on the way for you and I am actually working on a new story, but this time about Kras. Have fun!

After I cried another ten minutes the boy's and Bella decided that we all had to do something together to get our mind off those recent events.

Bella checked her phone and found out that a drive-in theater showed inception today and because no one had a better plan we took Clinton and Bella's cars and made us on our way to the outdoor movie theater.

After all the emotional stress I was happy to be alone with Clinton again. Although I knew that he could also cause me emotional stress. Right now he we were both in deep silence while we waited for the movie to begin. Next to us in Bella's car sat Mitchel and Christian with her, deepened I'm a conversation.

It was welcoming that Clinton and I didn't need to use words. We could sit there for hours and hours and not talk and still feel comfortable with each other.

"Do you want some water?" He eventually broke the silence and handed a water bottle over to me. I noticed again how cute he could sound when he wasn't aware he was talking in his Australian accent. I had to chuckle as I opened the bottle.

"What?" He asked and watched me drink. "Nothing, it's just your accent." I answered and gave the water bottle back to him.

"Are you at least feeling a little bit better. now?" Clinton seemed worried. "Yes. Thanks to you, Bella and the Boys. Hopefully I can wrap my mind around other things while watching the movie. I haven't seen inception in like a billion years although it's such an amazing movie." I said and leaned back into the seat of the car.

"It is. I got it on blue ray and I at least watch it once every year. It's a must." Clinton answered.

I was so glad to have the boys back in my life. We didn't see each other in person for about five years but the moment we reunited I felt the strong connection I felt when I left Australia. I never met people that were so close to my heart like they were and it was crazy to imagine that the universe decided to bring all of us back together in New York, that we even lived kind of in the same neighborhood. These beautiful thoughts made me forget about Adam for a little while.

"Wow the guys two rows infront of us really has balls pulling up here with a car like that." Clinton said and pointed to the front. I was pretty sure I saw the car that he meant and I was pretty sure I was about to faint when I recognized the car.

"It's a Lamborghini Diablo." My voice started to tremble. I could rarely see through the window at the back of the car but I was sure that I was not hallucinating. I saw the man on the driver's seat kiss a woman next to him.

"It's Adam's car." I added quietly and started to sniff. "What?I'm going to end this bitch now." Clinton opened the door of his car and wanted to get out but I quickly grabbed him at the fabric of his shirt and pulled him back inside. "Clinton No! I have to do this on my own!" I yelled and got out of the car instead.

I ran towards the silver Lamborghini and pulled the door open. Adam, who was still deepened in a kiss with a about thirty year old woman winced and turned around.

His facial expressions changed immediately when he saw that it was me. "Are you cheating on me" although our relationship probably didn't have a future anyway I was deeply hurt by the sight of him kissing another woman and by the sight of him betraying me. I still had feelings for him that weren't gone from one second to another, after all he still had been my boyfriend, up til now. Two years of my life.

"Crystal, look-" this time I was the one who slapped him in the face with all of the power I had in my left head. "Adam who is this crazy girl?" I heard the woman yell from the passenger seat. "I am his girlfriend, how about you miss!?" I yelled back at the blonde one. "Ha! You must be crazy. I am his girlfriend." She answered and shook her head. "Really?! Go fuck yourself Adam! Never contact me again, ever! It's over. Good luck with that one." I pointed and the woman on the passenger seat and turned around before I started to run. I ran back to Clinton's car but saw that Adam was getting out of his, chasing after me.

"Crystal stop! Not one step further!" I jumped into the car and yelled at Clinton. "Go! Drive! Now, Clinton!" I could barely breath. "The movie is about to start are you sure that-"

"Fuck! Clinton do it!" I screamed so loud that he didn't pose any further question. He turned around on the spot and drove away right before Adam could reach the car.

I was empty.

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