22 - Jordan

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When I said goodbye to Bella and went out the door, I already saw Clinton's old police car that was parked on the side of the street.

"Eeey Crystal." Mitchel was always so sweet, nice and welcoming. He had such a big heart. "Eeey Mitcheell" I took place next to him at the back of the car.
"Oh and hey Clint." I waved my hand and looked at his face through the rearview mirror. "Did you have fun with Bella?" Clinton started the engine and pulled the car on the street.

"Yes. It's always fun when we see each other. The most important thing is though, that I could take a long ass hot shower." I sighed and breathed in my slight scent of a fruity shower. "And how was the press appointment and the interview?" I asked interested.

"The usual. Mostly the same questions." Clinton answered shortly and had his eyes strong fixated on the street.

"The interviewer asked Clinton if he was single and he responded with 'It's complicated'." Mitchel couldn't hold back a grin. "Dude Mitchel." Apparently Clinton was not very pleased that Mitchel just had told me that detail. "Oh so that's what we are Clinton, complicated hm?" Mitchel's grin didn't leave me unaffected and eventually I had to grin too.

"I mean what should I have said. I'm not single but I'm also not in a relationship. Right now we're just somewhere in between." Clinton had a point. I would not dare to see any other guys at the moment but it was not like Clinton and I were in a steady relationship. "You're right Clinton you did the right thing." I encouraged him and nodded.

"Mitchel did you text Jordan?" Clinton turned his head and looked back on us. "Yeah she's already at the fabric hall." Mitchel said and I could see how his eyes were lighting up. "Who is Jordan?" I asked curiosly.

"Who is Jordan? She's my girl." Mitchel said proudly and smiled. "You have a girlfriend? Why did I not know about this?" I was shocked. "Maybe because you were too fixated on Clint?" Both of the brothers were pretty good in acting cocky.
"Oh shut up Mitchel."

We pulled in an abandoned building complex and the car came to a stop. "We're here." Clinton said and everyone got out of the car.

Not far from us Christian, Pat, Jesse and another girl were apparently already waiting infront of the entrance.

It became pretty clear that the unknown woman was Mitchel's girlfriend Jordan. When she spotted him she started running towards him and fell right into his arms. Mitchel picked her up and gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips before he let her back down again. "I missed you." She said and twisted on of his braids between her fingers. "I missed you too Jordan." He gave her a cute little kiss on her forehead.

"Hey Clint. How are you doing." I was standing there watching exactly every movement that Jordan made when she hugged Clinton. I had no reason to be jealous but I was still cautious.

"And you must me Crystal right? Clinton already told me about you. Hi I am Jordan, nice to meet you." She pulled me into a friendly hug.

Jordan was so incredibly beautiful, her appearance totally blew me away. Her body, her hair, her eyes, her lips, her tattoos, even her hands were perfect. Next to her I felt like an ugly potatoe.

"Okay let's go inside and set up. I got the keys." Clinton directed everyone inside after him.

The fabric hall was huge, like it was really massive and while the boys started to set everything up for rehearsal Jordan and I sat down on a couch somewhere in the middle of the hall.

"So you and Clinton..." She began. I already prepared myself to tell her basically everything, the same thing I did with Bella. But I could totally understand that she had interest in the relationship between Clinton and me. She was Mitchel's girlfriend which meant that she would of course also look after his brother.

"... Are you like dating?" She tried not to be to upfront and I really respected her for that. "Yes we are kind of. You know it's a little complicated. We're not in a relationship yet but there's definitely something." Seeing how Mitchel and Jordan acted when they were around each other definitely made me want to get in a relationship, but maybe this was too early.

"I can totally relate. It was the same thing with Mitchel. For a long time it felt more like a friends with benefits thing between us. After a while I told him that I wanted more and that I wanted something serious with him. And look where we are now." She smiled and then continued. "But it's totally okay if you are not sure what you want yet. Just please be open with him. Clinton has a lot of feelings he doesn't like to show others. Being open would be the best for both of you." Somehow I really trusted Jordan. She knew Clinton longer than I did and I think she just wanted the best for both of us.

"Speaking of the devil..." Jordan mumbled when she noticed that Clinton up to us.

"What are you two girls talking about?" He asked and raised one of his eyebrows.

I could never ever get enough of his beautiful sight. Today he was wearing the Chase Atlantic pants and a 'sad as fuck' shirt combined with some silver chains  and white Nikes. I thought it looked super attractive.

"Oh we were actually just talking about you Clinton." Jordan laughed and bumped her elbow into my hip. "U-uhm yeah we talked about you." I didn't really know how to act.

"Cute." He chuckled and suddenly pulled me up from the couch by grabbing me by my wrists. "The boys need a little more time setting up then I thought they would." I could not really focus on his words while looking in his perfect face. "Oh and so now you think you can kill time by annoying Jordan and me?" I asked provocatively. "I wouldn't call that annoy you know." He smirked pulled my body closer to his. "Yeah I would." I said.

"Okay, fine" Clinton all of a sudden removed his hands of my body, slightly pushed me away and turned around. "No, no, no Clinton." I walked after him and grabbed him by his shoulders. "Clint." I turned him around by his shoulders. He didn't say anything. "Come on Clinton I was just joking I-"

I was caught off guard when his lips suddenly clashed with mine. I had to grab the fabric of his shirt with my hands because I was staggering back. He removed his lips just a bit from mine and intensively stared deep into my eyes. I reached forward to meet his lips again, I could not get enough of his kisses.

I squeaked when he suddenly picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and burried my face deep in his neck. "Still annoyed huh?" He started to run across the room while holding me up against him, I screamed. When we were near Mitchel, Kras, Jesse and Pat he let me down again but I didn't want to let go of him. I kept my hands locked behind his neck.

"Clint the set up is ready!" Jesse yelled. "I have to get going." He said and gave me another kiss. "No." I sulked and still held onto him. "Yes." He tried to remove my hands from him but this time I had the stronger will. "Come on Crystal, let go." He said. "Fine." I let go of him and smiled.

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