05. Confession (Eng)

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A slap that was hard enough landed on one of the young man's cheeks until his cheeks turned red.

In front of him was a middle aged man with a frightening expression. The handsome man just kept quiet when the middle-aged man slapped and even hit his stomach many times, cursing him with various dirty words, even spitting on him no matter how painful the handsome young man's body was now.

"Only this time.. I'm very disappointed with you ... A jerk doesn't know himself!" the old man continued to curse and beat his adopted child continuously until his adopted son's body became even more helpless until he fell to the floor. The young man who was battered was just silent accepting the treatment of people who had educated him from childhood. He did not dare to deny or even fight, he was actually brave enough to fight him but he remembered that the old man in front of him was very useful for his life.

"I don't want to know!! immediately to kill that person or I will cut off your head" he said last before leaving the battered young man.

Fiat immediately ran to help Singto who was no longer able to support his body. Many wounds and bruises all over his body.

Fiat is very concerned about the boss who is considered his own brother. Fiat repeatedly told Singto to immediately flee the cruel old man but Singto always said that he had a huge debt of gratitude to the old man he had called father.

"Does he make you neglect your duty?" Fiat asked irritably while cleaning and treating the wound on Singto's face

"No ... I'm the one who wrong!"

"boss, answer honestly to me! Do you like him?"

"maybe, he is very good in bed"

"boss! That's not what I mean! I mean about feelings of love!"

Singto was silent and thought for a moment, he didn't know what feeling arose in him when he was with the adorable teenager. He did not know because he felt he had never fallen in love. Love is an annoying word for him.

"boss, think for a moment! Do you feel your heartbeat beating so fast when you are nearby him? Or do you feel your whole body feeling hot and shy when you look into his eyes?"

Singto tried to recall how he met krist, Singto lied if he did not feel anything when meeting annoying teenagers who slightly changed his life.

"Yeah maybe ... When we have sex and when our eyes stare at each other ... I feel it!"

Fiat patted Singto's shoulder hard enough "boss, you fell in love!"

Singto widened his eyes, staring in disbelief at the words the genius boy had just said.

"impossible!" he argued

"Oh My Lord, my boss! It's natural if you put feelings on someone"

"but I'm not gay!" singto snapped

"boss! I'm not gay either! I just love phi oajun, if that guy isn't a phi oajun I won't like it. As long as you put your feelings and someone can make you fall in love it's a normal feeling. Gay, lesbian and so on are just labels the most important thing is your feeling "

Singto then quietly heard fiat's words. He is blind to love even he feels that he has never and will not fall in love. Love will only make you fall and die.


He's not in love, he thought ...


"How does it feel?" asked gun after he had finished hearing krist's story.

The Bone Breaker And His Lover (Eng Sub X indo Sub) Complete!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ