14. I promise i will protect you (Eng)

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A cellphone ringing sounded from the pocket of the handsome young man's troubling his concentration preparing a coffee for customer. He placed the hot glass that he had been holding on the table and immediately took his cellphone. An incoming message from a foreign number appears on the cellphone screen. He himself knew that the foreign number entered on his cellphone meant bad news from the person he most wanted to avoid at this time.

He took a deep breath then exhaled slowly. He opened the message. Only a picture that made him jump from his place. He immediately took off the apron he was wearing then patted his employee's shoulder.

"John, please take care of the shop ... I have to go" The Chinese-faced man looked confused seeing his boss like a crazy person running in hurry even he couldnt answer and the boss was already out of the shop.


Singto ran in a hurry while continuing to call the person he was most worried about right now.

"Damn ..." he swearing

He might even be able to compete with Usain Bolt at this time. Sweat was very heavy soaked his forehead. He immediately rode his motorbike at full speed, breaking through Bangkok's incredible traffic jam. Maybe he has violated many traffic signs at this time but there are more important than the police and speeding tickets.

He is not a person who believes in God but maybe now only He can help him now.


The red motorbike stopped in front of a school. He parked his motorcycle as long as he was anywhere and immediately ran at full speed ignoring some of the security who was chasing him.

"Krist Perawat, where is he?"

He frantically asked everyone he saw, to the point that everyone was confused and maybe even thought he was crazy right now. To hell with that, because he was really panicking.

Until he met someone he might have seen before, the short-bodied teenager knew very well who the person who was running with a panicked face was heading towards him.

"Oh krist's boyfriend, why are you here?"

Singto immediately pulled his boyfriend's best friend and followed him running.

"Where ... where is krist?" He asked with a breathless breath

"You are okay?"

"Damnit fuck ... hurry up and say where is krist ??"

"In the gym"

"Hurry and take me there"

Gun who was confused immediately showed where he meant, even Singto roughly pulled his arm to speed up their pace.


"Phi Sing?"

The tired face finally displayed a smile that expanded when he saw the person he was looking for. Singto immediately hugged his boyfriend very tightly even tears came out of his eyes.

"Oh god ... thank you you're fine"

Only this time Singto really panicked at someone just from a message. His mind was in turmoil right now but maybe he felt quite relieved that at least Christ was fine.

"Phi sing, are you okay? Your clothes are wet and you hug me so tight, I can't breathe"

"Oh dear, I'm sorry"

Singto immediately let go of his arms then stroked the mane of sweet teenage hair that looked oversized before him

"Okay, stop the intimate scene because we're in the middle of class, Mr. Sangpotirat?" Someone interrupted the intimate scenes of the two lovers making their faces blush.

The Bone Breaker And His Lover (Eng Sub X indo Sub) Complete!Where stories live. Discover now