Chapter Six

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It took me a few seconds to realize that she was planning to kill me off, and I struggled to get free, keeping my throat far from her arrow.

"Gosh, no. Please," I pleaded to her. "My sister and I just lost our mom and dad, and if you kill me, then my beloved sister will have no one."

Skippy raised a wooden hand. "She will still have me," he commented. "I take excellent care of her."

"That you do, Skippy. But my point is that Scarlett will be the only Morgan left if I am murdered."

"I am not going to murder you. I am correcting the world of its mistake. You," Margaret remarked, attempting to correct me. "Plus, your crybaby of a sister will not be the only Morgan left. I am a Morgan myself, but in no way are we related." She began breathing hard. "If we were...I would collapse on this very floor...and die."

"I think that you and Margie are related," Tippy said. "It would be no surprise to anyone here, especially our fellow readers, that you two are secretly twin sisters separated at birth!"

A growl escaped from Margaret's throat. "That cannot be and will never be confirmed. Why? 'Cause it is not true!"

"My son brings up a very good point," Tappy jumped into the conversation. "This here is no coincidence. Both of your last names are Morgan, and Margie is short for Margaret."

"T-that is absurd. Besides, Margie wears two braids with two red bows on the ends. I only wear one braid with one blue bow."

"It is possible that you and Margie are complete opposites," Skippy spoke again.

Scarlett rubbed her eyes and got up from the floor. She moved strands of her hair away from her face so we could see the look that she was projecting.

"No," she denied. "Margie cannot be related to that...boar!"

"Hey!" Margaret shouted.

Scarlett continued. "I have known Margie for my entire life. I was there when she was born, and there was no second baby named Margaret."

"Finally. Something that we can agree on."

"Margaret," Mr. Hawk said her name. "Let Margie go. Let me take you to the mansion."

"Never, ex-father of mine." She moved the arrow closer to my neck. "She needs to die. It is the only way that you will be able to see that I was right all along! And if you have any other replacements up your sleeves, I will kill them too."

"Listen to me. Do you really think that it is fair to Margie when she knew nothing of this? Nothing of you? Stanley, the others, and I never told her the story. We kept it a secret from her."

"You kept it a secret from her because you did not want to drive her away from your lives! You blasted scoundrels!"

"So listen. Are you willing to kill off a person who had nothing to do with this? She only did what I asked of her. And she is a mighty fine Monster Protector."

"I do not want to hear your darn excuses. She is not the Monster Protector and will never be! I am! And I never gave up being the Monster Protector! Therefore, I am still the Monster Protector."

Wait. She is what?!

Just then, two police officers ran into the room with their guns drawn.

"Where is the fugitive?" one of them asked.

All fingers were pointing at Margaret, and I noticed sweat pouring from her forehead.

Was she nervous that the cops were here?

The officers aimed their guns at her.

"Drop the bow and arrow and let her go," the other cop commanded. "Then you are coming with us."

"!" Margaret screamed. "I am not going with any of you psychos!" She pushed me, jumped over the officers, and ran off.

The officers sighed and ran after her.

"Not another chase," one of them said as they both exited the room.

Scarlett hurried over to me and dusted off my clothes. "Are you alright, sis?" she asked me.

"Yeah. I am not hurt," I replied. "But I do hope that we never see her again."

Famous last words. We met her once again six hours later.

It was getting late, and the sky was changing from purple to dark blue. Mr. Hawk and his friends were at the mansion. So were Scarlett, Sarah and I. Most of the monsters went up to their rooms, but Skippy stayed with Scarlett and comforted her.

Yeah. If it was not obvious enough, Scarlett and Skippy are a couple now, just like me and Stanley. What makes it even cuter is the fact that Tippy, Skippy, and Tappy can transform into humans whenever they want, and Skippy had remained a human for a while due to Scarlett. He only desired the best for her.

Mr. Hawk, Scarlett, Skippy, Stanley, and I were in the living room and chatting with one another. Mostly about Margaret.

The phone soon rang, and Mr. Hawk went over to it and picked it up. He held it up to his ear.

"Hello? Yes, that is me. Really now? Okay, I will be there." He hung up and set the phone back down.

"Who was that?" Scarlett wondered.

"That was the hospital. The cops got Margaret fifteen minutes ago, and she is at the hospital in handcuffs."

"Why is she at the hospital? Should she not be at the police station?"

"Margaret is considered mentally ill. That is why."

Later, the five of us arrived at the hospital. Stanley told me that I did not have to come, considering that she tried to kill me, but I wanted to see her.

I needed to see her.

We entered the waiting room, and there was Margaret. Sitting in a chair and with handcuffs. She snarled, but it was not directly at us. Then she slapped somebody.

And that somebody...was Ava.

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