Chapter Thirty

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As I sat there and listened intently to her sad backstory, I felt that my heart dropped. I knew that girls could get pregnant at such young ages, but who knew that one of those girls was in front of me all along?

I did not know what to say. I was sorry for her. Nobody should have to go through that. Not even Margaret. Now I understood why she was jealous of me.

When Margaret was done telling her story, she said, "Go ahead. Tell me."

I was unsure of what she wanted me to say. "Tell you what?"

"You know what I mean. That I am not fit to be the Monster Protector. I was kidnapped, got pregnant, and ran away from home."

"...okay. First, I need to know some things."

"Like what?"

"How did you get kidnapped? Did the old man lure you to his place?"

"No. I was coming back to the mansion. I was by myself and had to get something important at a store."

"What was it that you got?"

"That is not important."

"But you just said that it was."

"Forget about it. Where was I? Ah, yes. I was walking down the sidewalk, when the old man appeared out of nowhere and kidnapped me."

"So it is not your fault."

She hesitated before speaking. "What are you talking about? Yes, it is."

"He was the one who put his hands on you, not the other way around. You were a victim. By the way, how did you...accidentally...kill your baby? Did you find some tree branch and stab your stomach with it?"

"No, and I am glad that I did not. When I saw my baby, which was a girl, she was the most beautiful being that I had ever seen."

I was now confused. "Hold up. You said earlier that you killed the baby. How did you give birth to it? was already dead."

"My baby was very much alive. I decided right then and there to name her Rene. Rene Morgan."

" did she die?"

Tears swelled up in her eyes. "I had a friend - at least, I thought that she was my friend - who helped me with the baby. I...I told her ahead of time that I did not want the baby, but she convinced me to at least keep the baby until it was given to an orphanage."

"So this 'friend' wanted you to give up the baby for adoption."

"Yes. I thought that it was a good idea. I approved it and stayed at her house until the baby was born. On the day that I was giving birth - I will spare you the details - she was helping me. And out popped a baby girl. She...she looked so much like me and nothing like that man who caused me harm."

"What happened to the baby?"

Margaret frowned. "I was about to take my baby, when that 'friend' left the room with her. I called to her to give me my baby. She soon returned, and I asked her point blank where my baby was. She was not holding the baby."

"What did she say?"

"She said that she was sorry and that my baby had passed away. But I know the truth. The only reason that my dead is because of her. The one whom I thought that I could trust."

It was my turn to frown. "She murdered a baby? What...what is her name? I will find her and give her a good whooping."

"Her name...I can remember it clearly. Ava. Her full name is Ava Campbell."

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