Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Len, how many times do I have to tell you?" the robot said to the ghost boy. "I am not your daddy. Your mother and I are not in love, so as of now, you do not have a father."

"Oof!" I let out as Len slammed into me, wrapping those ghostly arms of his around my waist. He was not too happy about the rejection because he pouted.

I have to admit that he was cute when he pouted.

The robot sighed and introduced me to him and the rest of the new monsters.

"I am Ironic Iron, and these are my friends. The two vampires are named Mary and Martin Vamp. And do not worry. They both gave up blood sucking long ago."

"The blood that you humans possess is not as tasteful and enjoyable as it once was," Mary stated.

Mary had long, black hair and pale skin. She also had black eyeshadow and black nail polish. She was wearing back shoes and a black, long-sleeved dress that touched the ground and ripped at the ends.

"Mary and I are siblings by the way," Martin added.

Martin was a bit shorter than his sister. He had short, black hair and also pale skin. His choice of clothes were a black, short-sleeved shirt, black slacks, and black shoes. There was a long, golden chain around his neck.

"Ethel Delvin is the brown ghost. Edith Delvin is the black ghost. And Doris Mackerel is the pink ghost. I would like to add that Ethel and Edith are sisters," Ironic continued. "And these three robots are my personal friends. Shim Ramirez, his sister, Shimmer Ramirez, and BullBot Doig."

Ethel had long, brown hair and wore a brown, short-sleeved shirt. Her sister, Edith, had long, black hair and was wearing a black, sleeveless shirt.

Doris had short, pink hair with streaks of white and wore a pink, long-sleeved shirt.

There is not much that I can tell you about the four robots. Shim had a slim body that was the color of silver. Shimmer was pink, and Ironic was dark gray, and they both had the same body type. Their chests and bellies were a bit chubby.

BullBot was the unique robot of them all. He was a mix of white and gray, and his head was in the shape of a real pit bull's.

Shimmer hugged on Ironic's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "Ironic is my boyfriend," she stated. "And I am his wonderful girlfriend."

"Yep," Ironic agreed. "Now that we have the introductions out of the way, I say that we remain here."

"Why?" Ethel demanded. "This girl..." she motioned to me. "...said that she would take us to Mr. Hawk."

"And you actually believed her?"

"We promise that we will be careful," Edith said. "And even if she is lying, there is no way that she can take us down."

"What if she works for that Dr. O'Connor guy?"

Right after he said that, I heard footsteps echoing throughout the theater, and I was not the only one.

I looked in all directions, trying to find whoever was making the sounds. But I did not look fast enough.

A green gas instantly filled the room, and I found myself falling to sleep.

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