Chapter Forty-Seven

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I managed to jerk myself awake and surveyed my surroundings. My new surroundings.

I was in a small room that had white walls and a white floor. I was in bed, in a hospital bed, and was hooked up to a machine that reads your heart monitor. I also had on an oxygen mask.

"Oh...what happened?"

"Meeting Dr. Maxwell is what happened," Scarlett responded. She was in a chair and next to me. Her hand was over mine.

Dang. For a moment there, I thought that I had dreamed of my encounter with Dr. Maxwell.

"Margie, what were you thinking?" my sister demanded. "Going on your own to Zeolex?"

"I know, I know," I said. "And I am sorry. But I found our mom and dad. They are not dead after all. Is that not great news?"

"That is one of the best news that I have heard today. The other two are you surviving without a scratch and Jorgie receiving a new kidney to replace the one that was damaged."

"Yes...yes! Hey, do you know where her new kidney came from?"

"No. Do you?"

Before I could tell her, Margaret herself walked in. She was cradling her baby, Rene, and had on the biggest smile.

"Margie!" Margaret exclaimed enthusiastically. "You are awake at last. She sat on the edge of my bed. "I have surprising news! She lifted up the back of her shirt, revealing her lower back, and there was a huge scar. "I bet that you cannot guess where I got this."

"Hmm. You volunteered to donate one of your kidneys, and they were a match."

She was shocked that I knew. "How...?"

"Lean told me when she and the other monsters saved my butt."


Suddenly, a group of six filed into the room. Two of them that I recognized were Jorgie and Jorga. I was unfamiliar with the other four.

"Hello. My name is Amanda. Princess Amanda," the girl named Amanda greeted. "With me are Princess Abigail, Princess Agatha, and Princess Amelia."

"Nice to meet you," my sister said.

"You must be Margie, Scarlett, and Margaret. And you three know Jorgie and Jorga, right?"

"Yes," I spoke. "What do you want?"

"We would like to ask Margaret something. It is more of an offer."

"Really? Me?" Margaret pointed at herself.

"Yes, you. Are you the brave person who sacrificed your kidney to save Jorgie?"

"Yes. I did it because it is the right thing to do."

"Ah. Well then, you will be happy to hear that you have saved a princess' life."

"What? I saved no princess."

"Jorgie is a princess. Therefore, you did."

"Oh...oh my gosh." She pressed a hand against her cheek. "I had no idea."

Jorgie stepped up to Margaret and stuttered.

"W-will you b-be m-my personal g-guard?"

"You can live with Jorgie or us in the palace," Amanda added. "And your baby is welcome too."

"I...I do not know what to say."

Margaret looked at me for approval. I smiled at her and said, "Go on."

Just then, Mr. Hawk's father, Dr. O'Fallon, entered. He had papers on his clipboard and was flipping through them.

"I have news. Plot twists," Dr. O'Fallon announced. "First, I ran a few tests, and they all have confirmed that Margie and Margaret are not sisters."

I was saddened by that. I had been hoping that we were related.

"You are cousins."

Everyone else in the room gasped.

"Second, I did a couple of tests on Margie's heart. There is something wrong with it. It is as if some psychopath opened her chest and changed her heart."

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