Chapter Thirty-Six

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Nicole did what she was commanded to do and exited the small room, pushing the stroller in the process. I was surprised that nobody attempted to stop Margaret or even told her to.

Everyone except me stood where they were with wide eyes as Nicole followed Margaret down the hallway. Two of the new monsters, Ironic and Doris, grasped Nicole by the arms in case that she had any idea of escaping with the baby.

Worried about how this would all go down, I chased after Margaret until I was next to her.

"What do you think that you are doing?" I whispered to her so that no one else would hear.

"Trust me, Margie. I know exactly what I am doing."

"You are not planning to shoot her with your arrow...are you?"

She hesitated before speaking. " depends."

"What in the world does that mean? You do not have the right to end another life unless you are defending yourself."

"I am defending myself...and my baby."

"B-but...but what if you made a mistake? What if that is not your baby?"

"Margie, I gave birth to a baby, and my maternal instinct is telling me that I am connected to that baby. Besides, the baby girl's little hairs are the same color as mine."

"So? Everybody's hair is going to be the same color as the others. That does not mean that they are related."

"Facial features, Margie. There are such things as facial features."

We halted in front of a brown door, and Margaret gripped the doorknob, twisted it, and opened the door.

This room was filled with so many decorations. The floor was green, and the walls were blue. Decorative carpets and blankets hung on the walls, and a decorative carpet covered half of the floor. There were also some vases on the ground, and a few were lying down.

We moved out of the way, and Ironic and Doris pushed Nicole into the room. She stumbled and almost knocked over the stroller, but managed to keep her stance.

Margaret went in, and I was about to follow, when somebody grabbed my wrist. From the corner of my eye, I knew who it was.


"Margie, what is going on?" Scarlett asked. There was concern hidden within her voice. "First, you invite Margaret and bring her to the wedding. Now this."

"Uh..." I scratched the back of my neck. "...there is a good explanation for all of this."

My sister let go of my wrist and crossed her arms. "Good ahead. I am all ears."

"Actually, Scarlett...I cannot tell you...just yet."

"What? Why not?"

"I cannot tell you...because...I have to get permission from Margaret. Besides, I think that she should be the one to tell you. Not me."

"What could Margaret, that son know what I mean, possibly have to say that is so important?"

"Oh, boy, Scarlett. If only you knew," I muttered under my breath.

She raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

I opened my mouth to speak, and I heard Margaret and Nicole.

"What is your name?"


"I do not just want your first name. I want your last name as well. Your full name!"

"I-I am afraid that I cannot give that out."

"Why not?!"

"Shh! Raising your voice makes my daughter upset."

"She is my daughter! Not yours!"

Gosh. I had to get in there before it was too late. Before Margaret could do something that she would regret for the rest of her life.

I put my hands on my sister's shoulders and explained it to her as fast as I could.

"Scarlett, you desire to know the truth, so here is the truth. Margaret gave birth to a baby and named her Rene. She is convinced that woman's baby is Rene."

Of course, she was taken aback by this and backed away slowly. "What...what?"

Before she could say more, I removed my hands from her shoulders and rushed into the room. I shut the door behind me and leaned back, watching what was unfolding.

"You know what you are going to tell me now, Nicole?"

"W-why I supposedly have your baby?"

"Correct! And take the word 'supposedly' out of your dictionary." Margaret coughed, clearing her throat. "What is the baby's name?"

"Rachel. It is Rachel."

Margaret clicked her tongue. "Nicole, Nicole, Nicole." She raised her bow and aimed the sharp end of her arrow at the lady. "Remember that if you do not spill out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I will murder you right here. In this very room."

"If you do that...y-you will be locked up in prison."

"As long as you are dead, I will not give a crub. As long as your blood slithers out of your body and onto the carpet, I will be the happiest that I have ever been."

"What do you want from me, you crazy girl?!"

"Answers. First, put the baby - my baby - in the stroller. After that, tell me what you named the baby."

Her body trembling in fear, Nicole set the baby in the stroller and admitted the truth.

"The baby's name is Rene."

"Aha! That is what I named my baby!"

"It was her idea!"

"Whose idea? The baby's?"

"No. The lady in red."

Margaret was confused at first. "Who?"

"The lady in red. Ava Campbell."

She lowered her bow. "Ava. I should have known."

"Ava lied to you that your baby was dead and gave it to me instead. I love babies and desperately wanted my own. So she promised that she would get me one if I held up my end of the bargain."

"And you were and still are okay with stealing someone else's baby. Do you know how low that is?"

"Yes, it is terrible that I stole your baby. But it is not like that you could raise Rene any better."

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