Chapter Forty-Eight

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You readers may or may not have wondered what occurred after Margaret was taken to the hospital and Margie visited Zeolex to retrieve her parents. If your theory was a nice and beautiful wedding, then you would be wrong. As a matter of fact, the wedding was cancelled by Benny.

"That is it!" Benny shouted at the top of his lungs. "The wedding is off! I cannot stand your lies!"

Do you readers remember back in book seven when Katrina mentioned that she was using Benny for her own gain? Well, you will be relieved to know that Benny found out. Just how did he? It is not like that Katrina confessed the truth to him.

Actually, she did. Not only did she confess that she was using him as her puppet, but she admitted that she was the one responsible for putting her nephew and niece, Hansel and Gretel, in the mental asylum.

"Benny, please," Katrina pleaded. "I am telling you all of this now because...I do not want to keep any secrets from you."

Benny pushed up his glasses. "Really?"

"Really. I love—"

She was going to say that she loved him, however, he did not care. He had heard enough, too much, and desired to flee from her as soon as he could.

"Let us get one thing straight," Benny said sternly. "You never have nor never will love me. The curtains have been pulled from my glasses. Er, eyes. Whatever. We are through."

He had only taken a couple of steps, when Katrina grasped his wrist. He did not look at her.

" not leave me. Please. I love you. Truly. If I did not...I would not have revealed the secrets that I have kept for so long. I did it for you."

"You? Did it for me?" He jerked free from her and gave her a disturbing glare. "You put your niece and nephew, the kids whom I am best friends with, in a mental asylum. With a bunch of much older people who are actually insane! They could have gotten hurt! Oh my goodness. Killed! And you did it because you do not like them."

"Benny! Let me explain!"

"You are finished explaining your manipulation and lies! I do not want to hear it anymore! My gosh. I was a fool for loving you. Now...if you will excuse me..." He stormed off.

"Benny! Come back!"

He came to a halt in the doorway and took one last look at her.

"It is sick how you knew that Nicole had Margaret's child. You knew and did not do anything about it."

"It was for the best. Ava said—"

"Ava, Ava, Ava. That is another thing. You are friends with a psychopath who is wanted by the police in the next town over. I...I never want to meet or hear from you again."

"Do not say that, Benny. I love you..."

"What would you have done if Margaret had not interrupted the wedding? Keep all these juicy secrets from me and murder me?"

"No! No..."

Katrina fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands as Benny finally left her for good. She was alone in that room...but not for long.

A man quietly came in and over to her. He got down on one knee and rested his hand on her back.


Katrina recognized that voice and took a glance at who was comforting her.


Dr. Maxwell smirked and hugged her. "Why do you not go and sleep it off?"

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