MiChaeng to the Rescue

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Chaeyoung has also grown so much. She thought of a highly aesthetic rebellion compared to her hyung. It was so intricate, no one would know what hit them.

Well, Jeongyeon is undeniably stealthy too. She finished the last world tour stop with tears of joy pertaining to the locals' famous pizza. As if she survived a long battle and could finally live humanely.

However, those same tears successfully masked exhaustion and longing for Mina who got sick and was left behind. Jeongyeon was so angry at JYPE, she started a Live without the company knowing.

She didn't mind how the company would get back to her. She even taunted about getting beers on broadcast. Little did she know, nor anyone for that matter, the company would do so by Jihyo.

While still making sense of it all, Mina admires this fighting spirit of her members that's why she's enduring.

"Chaeng Chaeng", Mina gently wakes her. "Hmmmm~ Five more minutes Minariiing."

I'm sorry Chaengie for still waking you up like this. This is the only thing I could do for now. To help you succeed with the plan. "Chaengie, an hour has already passed."

Chaeng shoots up and slaps herself to consciousness. She looks around and find Dahyun nowhere. "I'm still lucky to not be up that early."

"Yup, very lucky." Mina giggles. "Food is ready Chaengie. I've yet to pack your stuff so I'll go ahead."

Chaeyoung catches Mina before she can leave, "I miss you."

"Eh? I'm already here baby, what are you talking about?" Mina in confusion.

"Yeah. Still, I miss us together."

Mina smiles and turns to Chaeyoung for a proper hug. "It sucks I won't be able to watch you guys shoot arrows this time. Bet you'd look sexy on the outfit." She traces Chaeng's newly done tattoo.

Chaeyoung winces, "T-that's not it! I- I'm sending a message."

"Yep and it's a powerful one. Let's make it for Jihyo!" Mina pats Chaeng as she leaves.

"This is not just for Jihyo unnie though", Chaeng mumbles and sighs.

In the living room, Mina sees Tzuyu almost done packing. She joins her. "Unnie I miss you", Tzuyu breaks the silence.

"Wha- Chaeng just told me that."

"Yeah but me too! ~We all do." Tzuyu halts her task and hugs Mina. "Feels empty when we're not together, all the nine of us."

They break off upon hearing a cough. It's Sana. Chaeyoung is behind her. "Uuhm, we've just finished packing up. Yey!" Tzuyu clarifies. Mina as well, "I- am giving my best wishes. School Meal Club fighting!"

"Only Tzuyu needs to do well as usual." Chaeyoung reviews the plan.

"Eh? Isn't this our chance to get Gold? Red Velvet sunbaes won't be able to attend. We could go viral just like your plan", Tzuyu asks.

"Would've been easier if there's a match between you and Irene sunbaenim again. Also, Dahyun-ah still has MC duties. Must be tiring for her to go for the finals", Sana reasons out.

"That's why I'm winging it. My neck tatt should get people curious."

"It will be covered up though. They'll censor it", Mina reminds Chaeng.

"Exactly." Chaeyoung assures.

Maknaes proceed to Goyang Gymnasium for the recording of ISAC Chuseok leaving Sana and Mina to have a conversation.

"How are you today Mitang?" Sana initiates.

"Are you okay, Sana-chan?" Mina asks back.

"Darling, I asked first." Sana puts up a sweet defense but Mina does not break her gaze.

"I am not okay", Sana confesses with nervous laughter. "I thought I'm gonna lose Once just a few months ago. And then, you. Seems fate is trying to take something. This time it's Jihyo!"

"I'm not the right person to talk to you about this", Mina tells her. "But we know, especially you two have been through a lot. The nine of us have been her world and you are her favorite person. Isn't that why she calls you partner?"

"I- it's just another name. Like Satang, but Partner."

Mina sighs, "For what it's worth, I'd think you guys are the ones dating."

"Except we're not. I don't have rights. And the articles are very convincing it's almost legally binding", Sana is dejected.

"They are not yet married and people divorce too!" Mina is impatient. "Look, even if they date, who do you think does she spends more time with?"

"She's godjihyo. She has time for everything." Sana refutes Mina.

"She spends more time with us. She spends more time with you." Mina receives a blank look. "I'm basically saying he got nothing on you."

"And would you just let Jihyo be with someone who, on a personal note, didn't pertain anything about her nor their 'relationship'?" Nayeon arrives.

"Oh, Nayeon unnie!" Surprised, Mina thought Nayeon is still resting after filming her special MV parts.

"What do you mean, Nayeon-ah?" Nayeon brings out her phone and shows Sana something. Sana takes her phone and gradually widens her eyes as she reads the letter.

We are idols and fans are our priority. I understand that he would cater to his fans more than his girlfriend especially at this early point of solo career.

Because without fans, us idols are nothing. But this issue involves another idol who has fans to console too! Yet, there's not a single hint of clarity nor honesty about his decision to date.

Where's the empathy for Jihyo who was written as actively meeting him despite crazy sched? Her self-respect is sacrificed for this! I must wo-man up. He didn't. Who else will?

"I heard he's our fan. He even liked Signal. So, shouldn't he be at least considerate if not ecstatic about 'dating' Jihyo? It sucks Jihyo is disregarded like this", Nayeon expresses.

Sana picks herself up. "Sana-chan?" Mina notices.

"I'm going."

"Eh? Where are you going?" Before MiNayeon could receive a feedback, Sana has left them.

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