Anxiety Incarnate

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Out of all the days there is, it has to be today. A day when I have to face a massive audience.

The wind is breezing extra cold. Twice is missing Mina, appearing as 8. And DANIEL is trending worldwide. Expectedly in the comments, people are talking loud typing in their concerns. Not missing the opportunity to include JIHYO, of course.

What now? What will they think and say about me?

"Sana ssi", Jihyo calls to her partner in a professional tone.

"Hmm?" Sana is sensing the coldness.

"Today... Is the time now—still precious?" Jihyo asks in a daze.

It was just yesterday when Sana spoke of securing words. Today, the same set is turned into a question becoming an expression of insecurity. Nonetheless, the validity of the question can't be ignored. The noise is loud. The pain is agonizing. Her worries are suffocating.

Is the time now still precious even when it's cruel?

Her best friend Jeongyeon comes in and snaps it out between them as the show is about to start.

[his Gf must be so worried!! ☹]

[Daniel needs Jihyo right now]

This is the noise that the world is making.

Even so, the girls strut on the red carpet as they would. Jihyo is at the far end trailing behind Sana and Jeongyeon. There's no turning back. This happens today, not yesterday nor tomorrow. No time to breathe nor meditate. Showing up is the only option. Well, it IS better than hiding.

A little panning away from the camera can stir up comments. At least by showing up, Jihyo gets distracted of the punishing weather and the lady MC in an off-shoulder gown beside her freezing. The leader, even in her own current anxious state, offers warm compassionate hand.

"Hana, deul, set..." The MCs ask Twice to express love to the viewers. Sana and Jeongyeon fused their gestures into a heart. The latter encouragingly smiles to the leader. Jihyo adjusts accordingly.

Twice's red carpet ends. One down, a whole show proper to go. Jihyo is pacing. Yet as soon as reaching the backstage, she excuses herself to the washroom. Sana too, falls out the line and accompanies her.

In the waiting room, the rest of the girls have their own ways to cope with this pressing situation. As the leader's best friend, Jeongyeon couldn't help feeling fidgety that she's trying to downplay it by NoJam humor.

"Hah, my dongsaeng must be psychic! She saw it gonna lead to this crazy shit!"

"Ugh, why now?! Of all days!!" Nayeon blurts out.

"Well, Jihyo unnie has been suffering EVEN WHEN she has us. So, him breaking down so soon isn't farfetched." Chaeyoung shrugs.

"Yeah but, still. TODAY?! This is unbelievable", Dahyun is rendered speechless seconding Nayeon's sentiment.

"Dahyun-ie, it's easy to be kind when you're in a good place. In one's worst condition, not everyone could be as considerate as Jihyo unnie." Wise words from the most maknae Tzuyu. Certainly, with a tinge of savagery.

"Araseo, let's give the benefit of the doubt then." Dahyun conditions herself by saying, "He must not be doing this on purpose. I mean, he wouldn't know the effect towards Jihyo unnie as there isn't ANY communication at all."

"Exactly. So, we don't have the right to demand some courtesy of informing us. That apparently, the guy is already on the edge." Chaeng presents her phone to her hyung with tabs opened to Daniel's alarming messages.

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