Fight or Flight

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Back when Twice had gone backstage after red carpet, Jihyo excused herself as she felt like throwing up. Sana who had fallen out of line and followed to the washroom was patting the other's back. Yet, the anxious was heaving nothing.

Sana brought both their hands under flowing water. She then noticed that Jihyo was staring at the SaMo ring. There was a question left hanging. Is the time now still precious?

She then gave an answer "Even now that it's difficult, time is precious Jihyo-yah. As long as there's time, we can hold like this. We can love."

Those beautiful words, I want to keep hearing them. But, I can't- seem to...

As time had passed every second onwards the show, the overpowering noise was becoming the new present. It's becoming Jihyo's reality. The beautiful words were turned into another question.

Can we really... I couldn't call you Jjakkung out loud. And when I'm mentioned, it's not your name next to mine. Can we really...?

No answers heard as questions were kept to self. The leader had gone backstage not allowing Sana to follow. Jihyo didn't want anyone to see, Sana most especially, her most ugly—a silenced out Jihyo who, at the moment, could only produce hums of weeping.

The managers were rattled. If medicines wouldn't suffice, how else could they help? Manager unnie asked, "You know it's okay to rest. Shall I inform the others now?"

"No, it's not gonna be okay. People will ask 'why'. The noise—it will get louder", Jihyo covered her ears. She expressed further, "It's like THAT rumor. People are curiously talking."

That rumor. The one pertaining to the sexually scandalizing case of Jung Joon Young. People talked of Jihyo's name along with it. It caught fire and the media were so ready to create exclusive scoop. Horrified of the ambush at the airport, Jihyo cried on the way to check-in flight.

"This is worse. Since the public thinks I'm official with him, they're gonna ask stuff I myself don't have answers to."

"Would you like to take a different flight?" The other manager thought of a solution. It's what has been done with Mina. With Jihyo stressing on the possibility of recreating that horrifying moment, it was a sound suggestion.

Thus, Jihyo made the decision.

After telling Sana what transpired in the backstage, the manager notices she's becoming blank. "Sana ssi?!" He snaps her out, "Sorry I thought she told y- Are you two okay though?"

Sana forces a smile and nods.

7 of 9 fly back together. At the dorm, Sana clicks the room door slightly ajar and Jihyo is there lying on her side resting. Suddenly, the lurking Japanese is tapped on shoulder making her jolt back. It's Jeongyeon.

"Mwoyah? Get in there. What are you waiting for?", she says.

"Uh, maybe she doesn't wanna be bothered?!"

Jeong rolls eyes then pushes her, "You don't have to say a thing."

"No, really. I can wait", The Japanese flounders wanting to look for a better timing. Yet, she isn't able to deflect. Sana is pushed in.

Whenever it seems she couldn't be bothered, she always lets you. Jeongyeon mumbles "Sana-yah, fighting!"

The Japanese immediately scrunches face, holds breath, hushing oneself. Carefully, she goes in to spoon her partner. Jihyo twitches then finds the other's grasps. Nothing is said but something is conveyed to each other.

It must have been scary, Jihyo-yah. You've worked hard and able to deal with it on your own. You've done great.

Unlike the ones sent to fans and the public, these messages are easily understood. Jihyo turns and snuggles closer. She tells Sana, "Thank you."

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