Finale II: Mission Done

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"I got a mission to get a lot of backstage videos", Nayeon says as she swings around a Twice TV camera while in the dressing room of the Soribada Awards.

The unnie's mission is vital. Because today, August 13th—Twice is in the same event as Kang Daniel.

The babo fans are certainly anticipating for interaction. Since Jeongyeon isn't around as she's resting her neck, Nayeon took it upon herself in leaving traces of where Jihyo is.

The unnie interviews the leader about what she's been up to which, is online shopping. Nayeon pans the camera and Jihyo starts sharing, "Love this site called Today's Home. My room's furnishings are mostly from here."

Jihyo is seriously still gunning to fulfill her bucket list of having her own home such that of the Little Forest. As of now, "I recently bought a table. I got a rug too. And..."

Jihyo gazes to her left where Sana is, "And I needed a place to keep tracksuits. So, I got drawers." She goes on until her favorite item, "A pink piggy pot where the steam comes out of its nose!"

A pink item? Sana becomes curious, "What is it?"

"Don't you know? Here!" Jihyo turns her phone enthusiastically showing Sana some photos of the pink pot.

"So cute!" Sana comments.

Jihyo herself is also leaving traces. She pans her own camera to her partner, "Sana ssi tell us what you bought recently."

"I have an Adidas tracksuit. It's lined with fleece."

"Isn't it too early for that?"

"But I like it. I'll wear that this winter." As long as Sana likes it, Jihyo would make a space for an off-seasoned tracksuit in her newly bought drawer.

Jihyo turns the camera to herself and also shares about clothing, "I actually wanted to shop for clothes. But I don't have any places to go all dressed up."

"It's been like that. But it's worse now with the pandemic", Sana says from the side. Of course, Sana knows that her partner hasn't gone anywhere; unlike what the sasaengs and Dispatch claim.

The Jjakkungs have become even more domestic. Even the extroverted Sana has recently considered muting the world out through mobile gaming; particularly, the Homescape.

Jihyo would like to talk more. But staff has called them for rehearsals. Afterwards, Twice gets dolled up for the Blue Carpet. Nayeon swings the camera again.

Through it, Jihyo is seen in front of the vanity mirror with staff doing her makeup. Chaeyoung passes by Nayeon and compliments the unnie of her camera expertise. The unnie says again, "I got a mission to film a lot."

There's a long enough waiting period succeeding the blue carpet. Thus, some of the girls have gone back to the dorm like the roommates Jihyo and Mina; while the others went to the JYP cafeteria.

Later when they returned, Jihyo prepares the camera and Sana gets up close to the other's cheek. Through the camera, the Jjakkungs gaze at each other along with smiles that have tiny sounds of laughter.

Sana then greets Jihyo as if it's morning. Sweetly, she says "Got some sleep?"

"Nope", Jihyo answers softly as she shakes head. Upon looking at herself, she realizes she does look like she slept. So she blurts out laughing, "I didn't sleep but I look as if I did. Right?"

Partner Sana knowing Jihyo so well even her sleep pattern, the Japanese agrees saying "Yeah like a long time."

"I stayed up and watched TV."

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