Privacy Act

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Sana has left. Tzuyu has flown back in the same day too. One of the foreigners has stayed, Momo. She is accompanying Nayeon.

The leader is waiting together with the two for some good news. A news that the hellish measure they've taken through Momo and Heechul's setup dating isn't in vain. The manager arrives to update them.

"Please tell us it's a success", Jihyo is hoping.

"Yes but..."

"But what?" Nayeon shoots up. With Momo's sacrifice, Nayeon expects a fair exchange. No less than the stalker and his conspirators getting punished. The puberty twins hold on to the unnie.

The manager brings up the papers and tells them, "We got those cooperating with him."

"As for HIM?" Nayeon receives the papers.

"That's the most we could do for now", the manager points to a sealed document. That of a restraining order.

Stalking has only merited police restraint, not apprehension. In the eyes of the Korean law, it isn't a crime YET. As for the conspirators, they are liable to the Privacy Act.

JYPE releases a statement, "In an effort to protect artists' safety and life, we have taken measures on the leaking, selling, or distributing of artists' information.

We are verifying these information sales routes through several channels and we are constantly reviewing the likelihood and level of legal action based on confirmed information.

If personal information is breached due to illegal leakage and sale of information, the Privacy Act is violated which may be fined up to 50 million won or 5 years imprisonment.

In addition, if artist information is obtained by false method, it may be put to criminal offense. This may be fined up to 15 million won or 5 years imprisonment."

Is there such thing as half victory? Is this fair to Momo's sacrifice? Why do I still feel helpless... defeated? WHY?

The van is silenced but Nayeon's mind is screaming. Vacation is the time to rest, to go out and see a different view. But with this subpar outcome, it seems Nayeon is the one getting imprisoned. Caged. Trapped in the family home.

Jihyo knows she couldn't say anything to make the unnie feel alright. Mere words wouldn't suffice. Tangible act is what's needed. The van stops at Park residence. Jihyo alights and attempts to say a few.

"Unnie~ I will work something out for you."

Nayeon smiles, "It's okay Jihyo-yah. Don't think much. Take this time to recover yourself instead."

Jihyo shakes head, "This is the least I could do. Please wait for a few days." She turns to Momo, "I know you should be in Japan soon but 'til then..." Take care of Nayeon unnie.

Without having to complete the thought, Momo nods.

It got Nayeon curious. It's a rare sight nowadays for the puberty twins to agree on something. The unnie mutters, "What's Jihyo talking about?"

Momo knows Nayeon takes pride in caring for others instead of being taken care of. So, she brushes off unnie's inquiry and changes topic quick, "Unnie let's watch Disney!"

"Ah movies? Which one would you like first?"

Just like what she did a month ago, Momo goes to the Im residence. Back then in December, Nayeon was still hoping for things to be under control. Now, Momo has become someone else's girlfriend.

Nayeon becomes even more driven to cater to the dongsaeng. She's giving back as much help she received from Momo's sacrifice. This of course includes sending messages to Once.

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