The Loudest Message

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Being setup to cover something isn't farfetched in the industry. K-Dramas and movies have portrayed it. Despite what Twice amassed for the company, the girls never thought that their own kin JYPE could do it to them.

Their lifestyle is difficult enough requiring hard work and dedication. Add to that the criticisms. These are the consequences the girls have trained to take.

The ones they're aware of are easier. They acknowledge their shortcomings and simply live with their imperfections. On things they didn't mean to, it's less so as they are distraught.

However, on actions they themselves didn't do; they are angry. Dating should be happy news. And the public is even fairly tolerant of it. Yet for Twice who have been open and true, throwing Jihyo in to a fake love isn't.

Their plate is full to be dealing with a whole different set. All the nightmares and tears, it must've been hard to stomach. As criticisms, which sprung from the news though few, are vile.

"This too shall pass" says a famous quote. Letting go, Twice just wouldn't do so without sending out their loudest message. One they hope would clear them from all of these.

Jeongyeon in her Mad Hatter costume starts off, "Another year has passed this fast. In each year, our Once never changed and it amazes me that it's getting more. What should I say? I just hope that we stay this way."

"There are both happy and sad events. But let's be happy! Tomorrow is Monday where some have to go work. Let's think on the bright side. Weekend will come."

This Jeongyeon has the same energy with the Vlive after the Chicago leg of Twicelights. She's tired and done that she just wants to drink the difficulties away.

"Thank you for spending time with us. Let's have a meal. Let's have a drink. Everyone here's an adult, right? Let's have it in this state."

"In this state?" Tzuyu in her Maleficent suit says "No, I don't want to."

Nayeon is the most normal looking. She is dressed as Choi Min Sik from a Korean movie Old Boy. She welcomes the idea saying, "Let's think about it."

Momo cosplays Boo from her favorite movie, Monsters Inc. "I'm so happy we're able to play with Once and have performance. Right until now throughout the 4 years, we went through many things with Once. Whether it's tough or happy times. So, our relationship has gotten better."

Nayeon corrects her, "Closer." This apricot neon magenta fandom has become more tightknit as tough times expose who the real friends are.

"Ah yea, relationship got closer. I'm happy that I'm able to stand on stage as nine. In the future, I hope Once and nine of Twice are all healthy and only have happy things happening."

Lacking members is nothing new. As in the past, there had been injuries. Even then, Twice were happy. Physical hurts are easier to heal. When one is tired, rest is mainly the answer. This time even in sleep, they are restless.

"I'm here. No more excuses Jihyo-yah", as what Mina said.

They are now standing as nine, making it known that it's not about Mina any longer. That the mental wound they're enduring is that of Jihyo's. The leader musters the courage.

"Is there anyone here who have been Once since the 1st year?" Jihyo who's cosplaying Miguel from Coco sees many. "Wah it's amazing. Thank you so much. And now, today is exactly the 4th year debut date."

Jihyo is finding the right words, "Throughout the 4 years, many things happened. There are both kinds of tears. Tears of joy and tears due to sad events. There also laughing times because of happy things.

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