Take Responsibility

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Sana scrolls through phone, reading the commotion.

[technically it's a man-hating word. It's used like 'Again, men are muttering too much. Just listen']

[but she may have used that word not knowing anything]

Some are giving Jihyo the benefit of the doubt. Alas, many more are thrown off of Twice leader's unbecoming attitude. They find it ironic too. Jihyo is supposed to be catering since she's so supportive of her man, as what Dispatch wrote.

[is it really Twice Jihyo? Is she hacked? No matter how she felt bad, she shouldn't have reacted like that. Oong-aeng-oong doesn't matter. Just look at her way of speaking. It's controversial]

[it's her fault using that word without knowing the meaning. We won't excuse ignorance]

Sana grips onto nape, huffing.

People completely missed the point and instead, make it to a whole different thing. Twice has been trying to communicate sincerely but, this is what they get. Labeled as ignorant when, it's the people who are oblivious.

Jihyo had been feeling negatively. Hence, the use of negative expression. But of course, people have no idea. They wouldn't know the way Sana did.

Unfortunately, though unreasonable, idols must live up to the namesake. People hold them to the highest standards. Thus, for some who consider Jihyo as a god, they were disappointed of her ungodliness.

Sana is familiar with being demoted. She knows this first-hand.

Last year, her Instagram post earned ire by captioning and celebrating a Japanese milestone. Being Japanese is her truth yet, the public finds the gesture inappropriate as it doesn't have a place in the Korean society.

She learned the hard way. What is given could be taken away in a snap; such that of the godly status. With that in mind, the Japanese expresses serious thought by humbling words.

"Once! It's Sana <3

Thanks to Once we received awards yesterday and today! I'm always thankful, and I'm always sorry Once. I think for both us and for Once, we've become close to one another now.

So, although it would be really great if we could always only have good and happy things, and it would of course be great to see our smiling face often, I don't think Once are people who want to only see me smile.

Since we've become close, I want to exchange even more emotions just as much. But to see Once be exhausted and going through a hard time, it hurt so much and it's hard to see.

It hurts more if the reason is because of us. If a person of mine is hurting and struggling because of me, there's nothing more hurtful than that.

But because we are also human, we make mistakes sometimes, we disappoint, and there's times we hurt Once without meaning to."

In place of Jihyo, Sana takes responsibility of the shortcomings. Twice is no god. That goes for the leader as well, no exceptions. And like anyone else, they could only work their hardest.

She continues "This year, we want to be someone who's able to embrace Once more warmly. Just as how it's as if Once always give us a warm hug when we're hurt and when it's difficult for us.

Sincerely, thank you for always trusting us and cheering for us and being with us. In this year 2020 which just started, we'll think about the awards from today and yesterday and be a Twice who grows more.

Let's overcome this year together! I cherish you a lot, Once <3

Just one last...

I want to be Once's strength. We're not Twice who make Once have difficult time. I want to always be together with the people who are next to us which are Once.

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