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A/N The first few chapters are kinda bad, but once you get past the train and stuff it gets better (I promise)

Hermione PoV

I was curled up on the ground in our room in the Burrow, screaming. Images flashed in my mind; Bellatrix, the scar on my arm, Ron's yells for help, the war, Fred. I screamed, tearing and scratching at my invisible demons. I pleaded and begged for mercy, tears ran down my face, pooling beneath me, soaking my clothes. I was drowning, drowning in my own tears. I cried harder, burying my face in my hands. The memories, I couldn't do anything. I watched in anguish as Fred died, over and over again, his last laugh still etched upon his face. I thanked my skills in charms for the muffliato charm was still holding. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't scream- I was dying. I was so sure of it, drowning in my guilt, struggling endlessly to breathe, to not become another Fred, that I didn't notice when the door screeched open. I gasped, writhing on the floor, and opened my eyes, only to see a disgusted face above me. "Ron..." I whispered, struggling to get up. He caught me, and I relaxed into his strong embrace, but he dumped me on the bed. Our bed, and he left, saying,

"Grow up Hermione, and stop acting like you were the only one affected by the war. I lost my brother. I am upset too. " That shocked me out of my tears, and I lay there on the bed, thinking, had I lost my boyfriend too?.


A little over an hour later, Ron came in. I looked at him dispassionately; my panic attack had drained me of all my energy. He strode towards the bed, and looked at me with such passion and remorse in his eyes that I almost forgave him. Almost. He scooped me up, and said, "Oh, 'Mione, I didn't mean it like that. It's just- it's just, Oh I don't know. I should never having spoken to you like that. It's just, no one seems to care what I've been through. I did as much as I could during the war, ON MY OWN, " Hermione winced, mentally preparing herself for another rant on how Ron suffered more than everyone else in the war, " But, I guess as long as you're okay, That's all that matters. I love you Hermione," and he scooped me up passionately, showering my face with kisses. I leant into the warm embrace, reminded of my mother's cuddles, but when Ron tilted my face up, looked at me with such love and passion in his eyes, and kissed me, I kissed back. I loved the feeling of being loved, of being needed. Bellatrix had made me need that , and even as my arm snaked gently around Ron's back, I could feel the pressure of that scar on my skin. I was a shell of myself. I didn't want sympathy, I didn't want hate. It seemed like Ron could only give me two emotions; Hate and sympathy. Nothing in between- just Hate and sympathy. No love, or caring. However, I put these thoughts behind me, and began to kiss passionately back. The dinner bell rang through the burrow, and I broke off the kiss, looking at the floor. I hurried down to dinner, and ignored my thoughts. I loved Ron. didn't I?

A/N First chapter of a new book. Yay. This chapter was relatively short because I wanted the next part to have it's own chapter. Votes and comments make my day, so if you liked it, please vote and comment, if you didn't, well, then please check out my other story, Snapish Shenanigans because it is a much higher quality.

Love u all.

bye ( FOR NOW)

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