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Anonymous: How would you like to go to Egypt with me?

Pansy: That wouldn't work

Anonymous: Why not?

Pansy: Because I don't know who you are

Anonymous: Oh

Anonymous:  I was going to say it wouldn't work for a different reason.

Pansy: What was it?

Anonymous: You're already in Egypt.

Pansy: WTH

Anonymous: You're that far in deNile

Pansy: I don't get it

Anonymous: Come on! In deNile, in denial?

Pansy: oh. I gtg bye.

Hermione's PoV

 "I think that went well, don't you, Ginny?"

"yes, but you need to practice your jargon some more."

"But I didn't write shall!" Ginny sighed at Hermione's naivety.

"Okay, Hermione, We are going to practice your jargon. Go and get a piece of paper please, and a pen. Right, now right 'you' on the paper. Now cross out the Y and the O"

"But That just says U!"

"yes! Exactly, it's easier to type, see?"

"ugh but it's not proper GRAMMAR!!!!!"

Ginny shrugged and I said, "Just as much as I want Pansy to fall in love with me, I refuse to be someone that I'm not for her. If she loves me for something that I'm not, then I don't want her, " and walked into our bedroom and shut the door.

Anonymous: Hey there sweetie

Anonymous: I have something to confess.

Read 5:38 pm

A/N just a short one today, word count: 226, it's just a filler (don't kill me Please)

Question of the day: Favourite band or song? Mine is currently High Hopes by Panic! at the Disco.

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