Shivers 3

2.9K 104 107

A/N I'm putting the A/N at the start of the chapter so I don't ruin the end ;). 

So this story is just getting more and more reads, which I'm so thrilled about, and I want to do something special for the 2.5K mark (if we get there.), but I don't know what to do... I'm open to any suggestions on what you guys want me to do. A Q&A could be cool... What do you guys think? I could also start another fanfic that is based on a suggestion from one of you guys... 


Also, Shoutout to @Aissvarya (I had to look up so many times how to spell your username sorry) for voting on EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER!! Thank you :)

QOTD: Have you ever left your home country? If so, where did you go?

Pansy's PoV

If Hermione wasn't my secret admirer, and she never would be mine, I was determined to find out who was. I looked at the list I had made, with Hermione's name crossed angrily off the list, tears spattering the page haphazardly. I looked at the remaining names and saw two. Evie Spatt and Elora Hemerson. I needed to know who it was, but for that, I needed help. Specifically, Draco's help. It was time for a confrontation.


I stood outside a Charms classroom, having run from Transfiguration all the way here, and was waiting with Draco for Evie to exit her 7th-year charms class. I plastered a smile on my face, and watched as Draco did the same; did my smile really look as fake as his? 

Draco said, "You ready? Remember-"

"I know! Thanks for helping me come up with a plan," I amended.

Before the conversation could progress any further, Evie walked out, alone as her ink had 'accidentally' spilt all over her books and she had to clean it up.

"Hi there, Evie, isn't it?" I asked, my voice sounding forced even to my ears, "my friend Draco and I are doing a survey for our Arithmancy class with Professor Vector, who is very inclusive, and he wanted us to do something especially relevant to today's society, so we, well, we decided to do it on the topic of sexuality."

Draco continued, "I understand this might be difficult for you to alk about, so you are free to leave at any time, but we were wondering what your sexuality is."

"I'm straight. I've got a boyfriend, you wouldn't know him; he goes to Beauxbatons, but I'm straight. Good luck with your survey!" she called as she bounced away, her brunette curls bobbing on her shoulders as she walked. 

"Okayyy," I said to Draco, " One down, one to go. Halfway there,"

"Aww, Pansy! I'm impressed! Your basic mathematical skills are improving!" Draco said. I slapped his arm playfully. 


Draco and I now stood lurking outside the library, trying to avoid Madam Pince's disapproving stares, waiting for Elora to exit the library where she seemed to live.

"God, she's worse than Granger!" Draco exclaimed impatiently.

"Hey!" I responded, "Hermione's not that bad"

Draco almost choked on his green apple, grabbing the dirty brick wall for support as he looked incredulously at me, " Hermione? And no, she's not that bad, but I can't say that can I?"

I frowned, about to say something comforting to Draco about the pressure he was under when Elora exited the library. Just as I was about to start speaking my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I was missing lunch for this.

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